Managing Social Identity Running Head: Managing Social Identity

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1 A question that may arise is how is marketing along a social identity oriented life-style is different
from “Psychographic segmentation.” Psychographic segmentation assumes that consumers’ stable
personality traits can be identified and linked to particular broad lifestyle orientations which can be
linked to certain kinds of broad product categories. However, as the opening quote suggests and
based on more recent views of how consumers self define—summarized in the first part of this
article—academics and practitioners are beginning to realize that consumers have many selves—not
just one “broad” lifestyle category bucket they may fit in. (cf. Reed and Bolton 2005).

2 The notion of accessibility / diagnosticity—that information affects judgments when it is available
and relevant—can be easily criticized as a self-evident assertion. Although the premise is simple,
what determines when a social identity is accessible and diagnostic is the focus of this paper and may
not be obvious. Accessibility and diagnosticity of a particular social identity comes in many forms,
therefore, we develop propositions as to when certain kinds of social identity based accessibility and
diagnosticity is likely to occur and the marketing implications of it. Hence this paper applies the
accessibility diagnosticity framework to the specific case of social identity. Moreover, like the analysis
advanced by Feldman & Lynch (1988); accessibility and diagnosticity are not intended to indicate an
ordered sequence of psychological processes.
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