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5.4 Conclusions 
As a conclusion, this study could be more extended by employing more 
information from different aspects. As now Chinese is in building up a strong and 
convinced enough economy rapidly, especially in banking and financially sectors, 
thus research on these banks’ stock returns need to be carry on in deeper way in order 
to provide more improvement spaces to this sector. 
Like what suggested by Muneeret. al (2011), this would be an indications for 
future researchers and academicians to examine more on the inference of economic 
growth in stock market development, particularly the inter-relationship between 
economic indicator and stock market performance should be taken into investigations 
to plan on an improved economic policy as well as to undergo the economic growth in 
China. The result of the study could be a useful mechanism in understanding the 
characteristic and roles of economic indicators and stock returns variations in forming 
the soundness economy in China. 

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