into pathomechanics of knee OA in individuals with limb
amputation. In general,
findings from collected literature sup-
port net overloading of the intact side relative to the prosthetic
side, as well as relative to speed-matched nonamputees. For
example, persons with unilateral transtibial amputation have a
greater intact-limb peak vertical GRF during loading response
relative to nonamputees, by as much as 4 to 10% during
and 35 to 45% during running.
angle and external knee extension moments, which are associ-
ated with GRF overloading and elevated axial knee joint com-
have also been found greater in the intact limb of
individuals with unilateral lower limb amputations compared
to nonamputees.
Such net GRF differences may or may
not lead to differences at each of the proximal joints,
depending on concurrent kinematics and muscle activity. One
study accounting for the latter factors found 23% greater
peaks in axial knee joint total compression force on the intact
limb relative to the prosthetic side, and 9% greater relative to
nonamputee limbs.
Prosthetic device mechanical properties have also proven
to have a signi
ficant effect on mechanics of the proximal
intact limb. Brie
fly, findings indicate that prosthetic foot stiff-
ness and energy return properties can effect intact limb early
stance GRFs, with as much as a 7% of body weight increase
in peak vertical GRF when using a solid ankle cushion heel
foot versus an energy storage and return foot.
storage and return feet can also reduce intact limb peak KAM
by as much as 13% versus a solid ankle cushion heel foot,
while an active prosthetic foot that provides timed, active pro-
pulsion near prosthetic limb push-off can decrease the mag-
nitude of intact limb peak KAM by as much as 26%.
Currently, there is a clear need to ascertain whether such
prosthetic advancements are associated with a reduced inci-
dence of knee joint pain and early OA in the intact limb of
patients with unilateral amputation.
Lower limb muscle weakness is a hallmark impairment for
primary knee OA in older adults. In general, muscular strength
is critical for maintaining proper dynamic joint function as
muscles aid in shock absorption and proper force transfer
across the joint.
To this end, quadriceps muscle weakness
has been suggested as a strong risk factor for primary knee
Several mechanical theories have been previously
suggested for the potential relationship between quadriceps
muscle weakness and structural knee OA development and
progression. For instance, it has been suggested that quadri-
ceps muscle plays a joint protective role as a shock absorber
to dampen the rate of knee loading such as decreasing the
heel strike transient during the loading response phase of
In individuals with lower limb amputation, prior stud-
ies have shown a signi
ficant decrease in quadriceps strength
for the prosthetic limb when compared to the intact limb.
Quadriceps atrophy has also been noted on the prosthetic side
in comparison to the intact limb.
Comparisons of individ-
uals with unilateral transtibial amputations to a control group
have also demonstrated that those with amputations have
weaker quadriceps bilaterally compared to nonamputees, which
were highly correlated with increased rates of vertical impact
loading of the lower limb during gait.
While the quadriceps remain the major focus of research
efforts examining the role of muscle weakness in pathogenesis
of primary knee OA, a new body of evidence is emerging to
suggest that hip muscle weakness may also be a risk factor
for knee OA.
As the hip shares a common segment (i.e.,
the femur) with the knee, adequate hip muscle performance
is necessary to provide dynamic proximal stability for
maintaining appropriate knee joint mechanics during weight
For example, Chang et al
reported that a greater
hip abductor strength is associated with a reduced likelihood
of medial compartment knee OA progression. Other studies,
however, have shown that strengthening of the hip muscula-
ture can lead to signi
ficant improvements in pain and function
despite virtually no change in KAM in older adults with pri-
mary knee OA.
Strength testing in individuals with unilat-
eral transfemoral amputations, traumatic and nontraumatic,
has shown that isometric hip abduction strength of the ampu-
tated limb is 47 to 54% lower compared to the intact limb
and 35 to 65% lower compared to nonamputees.
versely, Nadollek et al
found no difference in elderly indi-
viduals with unilateral transtibial amputations between the
prosthetic and intact limbs; however, comparisons to hip
strength in a control group were not made. Additional
research is needed to provide a clearer picture of the preva-
lence and extent of lower limb muscle weakness and its
potential relationship with development and progression of
knee OA after traumatic lower limb amputation.
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 181, November/December Supplement 2016
Development of Knee Osteoarthritis After Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation
High-impact loading knee injuries such as tears of the
meniscus, ligaments, or capsule; joint dislocations; and intra-
articular fractures in young individuals has been previously
linked with a 5.2-fold increased relative risk of developing
subsequent knee OA.
The energy initially absorbed by the
joint surfaces at the time of injury has been suggested as an
important predictor of development of knee post-traumatic
This PTOA has fundamentally different etiol-
ogy than the primary degenerative OA discussed previously
in this review. The emerging hypothesis related to PTOA is
that the severity of the initial trauma and the subsequent cas-
cade of pathophysiological events such as in
flammation and
chondrocyte senescence, along with any residual joint insta-
bility, incongruity, or alteration in biomechanics, contribute
substantially to the onset and progression of knee OA.
The risk of knee PTOA is most likely even higher in
young military Service Members due to the high-energy
nature of most battle
field injuries. In fact, in a recent report
in combat-injured warriors who could not return to duty,
injuries to the knee resulted in post-traumatic knee OA in
every case at an average of 19 ± 10 months after injury.
This trajectory of knee PTOA development after combat
injuries appears to be much steeper than the 10 to 15 year
rate previously reported after anterior cruciate ligament rup-
tures or meniscal damage in the general population.
Given that most combat-related injuries resulting from high-
energy explosions involve multiple limbs and joints,
it is
likely that the concurrent injury to the knee of the intact
limb along with altered joint biomechanics after amputation
could lead to a greater risk of developing PTOA in individ-
uals with traumatic unilateral lower limb amputation. Addi-
tional research to better understand the involvement of
multiple joint tissues and the critical cellular and molecular
events after trauma and injury is needed to develop strate-
gies (e.g., surgical, pharmaceutical, rehabilitative, etc.) to
slow or halt the onset or progression of knee PTOA after
lower limb amputation.
findings concerning the association between exer-
cise, sports participation, and risk of knee OA have been
somewhat perplexing. For instance, regular exercise has
been suggested as a favorable option for maintaining articu-
lar cartilage health.
Experimental studies in animals have
also shown that loading of healthy joints through moderate
bouts of running is associated with increased articular carti-
lage thickness, proteoglycan content, and mechanical stiff-
ness of the tissue.
In addition, recreational- or even
elite-athlete level long-distance running have shown to be
unrelated to accelerated incidence or severity of radiographic
knee OA in the absence of underlying joint disease.
contrast, other studies have associated participation in spe-
fic sports that involve running, jumping, and heavy lifting
with higher incidents of knee OA and an increased rate of
disease progression.
In general, individuals with unilateral transtibial amputa-
tion, regardless of traumatic or nontraumatic origin of the
initial injury, demonstrate decreased activity levels when
compared to nonamputees.
In previous literature, it has
been reported that individuals with lower limb amputation
on average take 1,540 to 3,163 steps per day,
as com-
pared to healthy adults who ambulate anywhere between
4,000 and 18,000 steps per day.
Given that mechanical
loading of the knee joint is inherently linked to mainte-
nance of the articular cartilage, adequate levels of mechani-
cal stimulation are essential for maintaining articular
cartilage tissue homeostasis through balancing solid matrix
synthesis and degeneration.
Therefore, lower frequency
of knee joint loading due to diminished activity levels can
lead to the reduction in cartilage tissue resiliency
to meet the requirements of higher demanding activities,
such as sports participation or returning to active duty
that may be desired by young Service Members with lower
limb amputations.
It has been suggested that individuals with amputations
who participate in sports and/or regular physical activity report
ficant benefits both physically and psychologically, such
as improved strength, endurance, balance, and improved self-
esteem and QOL.
Previous studies have shown that 32 to
60% of individuals with lower limb amputation participate in
some form of sports, whether recreationally or competi-
Currently, whether sports participation in individuals
with lower limb amputation could be a risk factor for onset
and progression of knee OA remains unknown. In a small
study, Melzer et al
found no differences in the intact limb
knee OA incidence between individuals with amputations
who did and did not play volleyball. Additional longitudinal
data are needed to better understand how early return to high-
demanding sports activities may contribute to the onset and
progression of knee OA. Additionally, Service Members are
anticipated to perform physical activities beyond level walk-
ing and running, which warrants further investigation of
such activities.
Available scienti
fic evidence to date supports that young
military Service Members with traumatic, unilateral lower
limb amputations may be at increased risk for developing
knee OA compared to nonamputees. Given the high life
expectancy of young injured military Service Members, devel-
opment of effective rehabilitative programs to prevent or delay
knee OA through early risk factor identi
fication and modifica-
tion is a crucial step in optimizing long-term function and
QOL after traumatic, unilateral limb amputations. Future
development of such programs should span a comprehensive
range. Components should include screening of the intact limb
for prior high-energy trauma and joint pain, managing body
weight, further study of intact side knee joint mechanics, and
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 181, November/December Supplement 2016
Development of Knee Osteoarthritis After Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation
addressing lower limb muscle weakness. In retraining undesir-
able biomechanics, technological advancements to guide
real-time feedback and adjustments in movement strategies
may be useful.
Continued future research and clinical
programs that address nonsystemic knee OA risk factors are
anticipated to increase long-term preservation of intact limb
function and overall QOL in young Service Members after
unilateral lower limb amputation.
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