however, it may bear consideration in future studies.
Accommodation with study feet was 7 days per component
in this study and 21 days with the duplicate socket. Socket
accommodation was consistent with other transtibial studies
who also reported 21 days.
In terms of feet components,
the 7-day accommodation utilized here was substantially
longer than the 30-minute accommodation
used in some
foot studies, but notably shorter than the 4 weeks
in others. There is no agreed on accommodation time for
prosthetic componentry. Thus, confounding related to a lack
of full accommodation can never be completely ruled out;
however, we were con
fident subjects were proficient in the
use of all study feet at the point of assessment.
Unlike other prosthetic considerations discussed thus far,
the prosthetic foot design was the independent variable. One
of the study
’s hypotheses was that foot mass would have
been a key variable to impact function. The Vari
flex is an
ESR foot shown to improve stride length and bioenergetic
ficiency during ambulation, stair ascent kinetics, and to
reduce fatigue. The other two feet studied incorporated both
ESR and additional functions. The Elite Blade also incorpo-
rates vertical shock absorption and the Re-Flex Rotate incor-
porates vertical shock and torsional force absorption. These
two additional features engineered into the Re-Flex Rotate
increase component mass by 13% to 21% compared with
the Vari
flex and Elite Blade, respectively ( p ≤ 0.05).
Despite the signi
ficant difference in mass between com-
ponents, the 1.4% to 5.6% difference between prosthetic feet
in overall OC completion time was not statistically signi
cant. However, in two speci
fic tasks, climbing the chain-link
fence and the sprint
finish, use of the Elite Blade resulted in
an 11.4% (compared to Vari
flex; chain-link fence) and a
10.6% (compared to Vari
flex and Re-Flex Rotate) reduced
completion time ( p
≤ 0.05). Although component mass may
have been a factor, it is unlikely to have been the sole factor
for the difference. Because the Elite Blade
’s energy storage
and return capabilities, kinetics, ambulatory ef
ficiency, and
other factors have yet to be studied, it is not possible to
determine which of these or other attributes of the Elite-
Blade provide an advantage for these speci
fic tasks. How-
ever, the addition of vertical shock function to an ESR foot
has been shown to provide biomechanical advantages during
stair climbing and in ambulatory ef
ficiency and may have
played a role.
Also noteworthy in terms of individual task function is
the fact that use of the Re-Flex Rotate resulted in increased
task completion time compared with the Vari
flex (10.6%;
p ≤ 0.05). As previously mentioned, while evidence sup-
ports improved lower extremity stair-climbing kinetics and
improved gait ef
ficiency when ESR and vertical shock
absorption are combined, authors were unable to locate
evidence to suggest ambulatory speed increases with fur-
ther addition of torsional force absorption. Conversely, dur-
ing circular turning maneuvers, 1 report shows addition of
a torsion adapter results in comparable movement speed.
These data suggest that some combination of additional
component mass or the increased control needed to utilize
the torsion adapter element of the Re-Flex Rotate, resulted
in a decreased sprint time following a period of rigorous
task completion. There are, however, clinical reports of
fits of torsional absorption in terms of favorable bene-
fits to skin of the residual limb that may be preferable
despite potential limitations to functional performance.
The Re-Flex Rotate stood out in individual tasks com-
pared with controls. Although control subjects completed the
OC faster (31
–35%; p ≤ 0.05), and completed 13/17 tasks
faster ( p
≤ 0.05) than TTA regardless of foot condition, con-
trols were signi
ficantly faster than TTA when using Re-Flex
Rotate for completing the culvert and angle tube obstacles
(16.7% and 46.0%, respectively; p
≤ 0.05). These two tasks
were not signi
ficantly different than controls when TTA used
Elite Blade and Vari
flex feet. The culvert obstacle requires
ducking to crawl through a concrete culvert (3 ft or 0.9 m
diameter × 8 ft or 2.4 m length), standing up out of the
culvert, turning 180°, ducking and crawling through a second
culvert (identical size). The angle tube is a plastic pipe (com-
parable size to the culvert obstacle) that must be crawled
through after climbing upward into the pipe (3.8 ft or 1.2 m
from the ground). The pipe is angled on a 4° incline so the
subject exits the pipe 0.2 m higher than the start (4.7 ft or
1.4 m elevation). It is not clear how the Re-Flex Rotate
may challenge function while crawling through the culverts
unless perhaps the user is attempting to accept body weight
through a transversely rigid foot that is rotating and thus
requiring additional effort and time to control. In addition,
on the culvert obstacle, the stand and turn maneuver may
require added time and effort to control as does the climb
into and landing from the angle tube obstacle. Nevertheless,
use of the Elite Blade and Vari
flex did not result in sig-
ficant time delays compared to controls as the Re-Flex
Rotate foot condition did.
Perceptively, there were no signi
ficant differences between
prosthetic feet. Vari
flex and Elite Blade yielded RPE (median)
of 18.5/20, whereas Re-Flex Rotate yielded 18/20 immediately
following OC completion. Although the Re-Flex Rotate
median RPE was lower, it yielded the same RPE range as
flex (15–20), whereas Elite Blade yielded the lowest
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 181, November/December Supplement 2016
Energy-Storing and Shock-Adapting Prosthetic Feet in Transtibial Amputees
RPE range at 13 to 20. Although no foot condition emerged
as a clear overall advantage in this test battery, the Elite
Blade yielded multiple trends of improvement which were
given con
firmation by being selected by half of study sub-
jects while blinded to condition. Interestingly, more than
twice as many participants preferred the Re-Flex Rotate rela-
tive to Vari
flex despite trends of performance advantages
favoring Vari
flex. Considering other potential benefits of the
Re-Flex Rotate, perhaps TTA are willing to trade nonsigni
cant differences in performance for greater comfort with this
component. This
finding is consistent with evidence-based
practice, which places as much emphasis on patient prefer-
ence as it does empirical evidence.
Although there were no skin-related or performance com-
plaints to suggest suspension issues, suspension was not
controlled and could be a factor related to performance.
Study feet were not blinded during training and accommoda-
tion as study personnel felt it was important to train subjects
on individual attributes of the feet. This could have led to
some level of kinesthetic or other familiarity with the com-
ponents that cued subjects to identi
fication even while
masked during testing. This could potentially be con
in future studies, however, the success of masking was not
assessed. Also impacting results may have been the choice
to acclimate subjects with study feet in a singular, extended
time block as opposed to individually acclimating and then
assessing with each foot. Finally, there are multiple statisti-
cal modeling approaches available to analyze these data. For
instance, the OC used in this study could be viewed as a
single task or as individual obstacle tasks. The primary
hypothesis for this study sought to address overall perfor-
mance. Thus, multitest correction was not incorporated into
the analysis. Incorporation of multitest correction may have
resulted in minor differences between prosthetic feet in indi-
vidual obstacle outcomes, but would have been unlikely to
impact overall outcomes.
This study has quanti
fied performance differences between
highly mobile TTAs with optimized prosthetic componentry
and able-bodied controls in a never before studied
field OC
environment. This could assist in determining the potential
for retention of already trained soldiers following TTA.
Ultimately, nonamputee SWAT team members completed a
military equivalent OC signi
ficantly faster and with less
effort than a group of high-functioning transtibial amputees
regardless of prosthetic foot condition. There were no clear
differences in prosthetic feet when completing the OC; how-
ever, individual task performance, perceptive measures, and
preference resulted in trends showing a slight improvement
in performance with and preference for the Elite Blade,
which is a dual function ESR foot combined with vertical
shock absorption. Ultimately, patient preference should be
regarded highly during foot selection and prescription.
Understanding how to maximally improve performance in
such functional tasks may allow soldiers to best sustain
fitness, return to their military occupational spe-
cialty and possibly in-theater duty. Data from this study
have identi
fied trends in the tested prosthetic feet to assist in
optimizing performance in these activities, which can reduce
wasteful costs associated with the current practice of trial-
and-error foot selection based on anecdotal evidence.
We wish to thank Ms. Kaitlin Lostroscio for assistance processing study
data and Mr. Steven Springer for assistance with subject recruitment. Sheriff
David Gee, Maj Alan Hill, and Sgt. Edmond Shea of the Hillsborough
County Sheriff
’s Department provided vital assistance with facility access,
training, and safety monitoring throughout study activities. This project was
funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, Congressionally Directed Medi-
cal Research Program (DOD-CDMRP) Project No. W81XWH-112-0170
(U.S.F. Grant No. 10193006).
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MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 181, November/December Supplement 2016
Energy-Storing and Shock-Adapting Prosthetic Feet in Transtibial Amputees
MILITARY MEDICINE, 181, 11/12:55, 2016
Functional Outcomes of Service Members With Bilateral
Transfemoral and Knee Disarticulation Amputations
Resulting From Trauma
Barri L. Schnall, MPT*; MAJ Yin-Ting Chen, MC USA*; Elizabeth M. Bell, BS*†;
Erik J. Wolf, PhD*†; Jason M. Wilken, PT, PhD†‡
ABSTRACT As longitudinal studies for those with bilateral transfemoral amputation (BTFA) or knee disarticulation
(KD) are lacking, it is important to quantify performance measures during rehabilitation in an effort to determine
reasonable expectations and trends that may in
fluence the rehabilitation process. At initial evaluation (date of first
independent ambulation) and follow up (median 135 [range = 47
–300] days later), 10 participants with BTFA/KD
completed 6 minute walk testing and Activity Speci
fic Balance Confidence and Lower Extremity Functional Scale
questionnaires. Of these, six participants also completed stair ambulation; ascent time and stair assessment index (SAI)
scores were calculated. Patients utilized their prescribed prostheses at each visit. Participants were able to cover a sig-
ficantly greater distance (135.3 [70.1] m) in 6 minutes at the follow-up visit (*p = 0.005). The change in SAI scores
for stair ascent and descent was not statistically signi
ficant ( p = 0.247). Stair ambulation confidence scores were signif-
icantly greater at the
final visit (*p = 0.034). Stair negotiation appears to plateau early; however, confidence builds
despite absence of functional gains over time. Service members with BTFAs/KDs are able to achieve functional com-
munity ambulation skills. Thus, this investigation suggests that clinicians can realign rehabilitation paradigms to shift
focus towards community distance ambulation once safe stair ascent and descent is achieved.
Recent con
flicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in a
cohort of individuals who have survived multiple limb ampu-
tation. The total percent of troops with multiple limb injury
increased steadily throughout Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF),
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and Operation New Dawn
Of those with extremity injuries, the estimated prev-
alence of multiple limb amputation is 30%, of which bilateral
transfemoral amputation (BTFA) were most common (27%).
Transfemoral-level injuries are often among the most severe
and require complex surgical and rehabilitative care.
the increased prevalence of BTFAs compared to prior con
the body of literature characterizing this injury group is mini-
mal compared to that of persons with unilateral lower extrem-
ity limb loss.
One of
first long-term follow-up studies of military service
members (SMs) with BTFA was published by Dougherty in
1999, and the results were encouraging in terms of their adap-
tation of prosthesis, employment, and general well-being.
The presence of BTFA severely affects function but may not Dostları ilə paylaş: |