oration between DoD and VA to develop the Comprehen-
sive High-Level Activity Mobility Predictor (CHAMP).
The CHAMP was assessed for reliability and validity
recommendations for its clinical application disseminated
through published manuscripts
and training seminars for
DoD and VA clinicians. Reference standards from uninjured
male service members along with those who sustained limb loss
are provided for both the CHAMP and the 6-minute walk test
to establish a guideline for goal setting and expectations.
The CHAMP is one example of an outcome measure that can
be used to longitudinally characterize the function of male
EACE research sites and collaborators across the United States. Not shown are academic and industry research partners in Austria, Canada,
England, Germany, and New Zealand.
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 181, November/December Supplement 2016
EACE: Overview of the Research and Surveillance Division
service members as they age. The EACE researchers are con-
tinuing to develop and validate the CHAMP for female service
members as well as other novel outcome measures that will
improve the health of injured service members and veterans.
The EACE researchers are currently focused on conduct-
ing epidemiologic studies to evaluate the morbidity and mor-
tality rates of two core patient cohorts with the long-term goal
of maximizing their health and QoL outcomes. Speci
individuals with severe extremity injuries have been strati
into those with (1)
“acutely threatened limbs” that required
immediate consideration for amputation and (2)
impaired limbs
” that do not require immediate consideration
for amputation but cause signi
ficant limitations. The EACE
researchers use local clinical data records, Defense Manpower
Data Center records, the Expeditionary Medical Encounter
Database (EMED), the Medical Health System Data Reposi-
tory, the VA Corporate Data Warehouse, and multiple other
data sources to conduct research. Central to the EACE epi-
demiological efforts is the ability to access the EMED, a gold
standard repository of high-quality, veri
fied, and validated com-
bat casualty data spanning the spectrum of care and rehabilita-
Within the EMED, each casualty injury record is
coded by in-house Naval Health Research Center clinical staff
on diagnoses (International Classi
fication of Diseases-9/10
codes) and on injury severity, using both the Abbreviated Injury
Scale and Abbreviated Injury Scale-2005 Military. Coded injury
data are then mapped to tactical data describing the character-
istics of the casualty event, descriptions of treatments adminis-
tered within the chain of evacuation, predeployment- and
postdeployment- related health information, personnel data with
career and dependent history data, and
finally, with longitudi-
nal, prospective QoL outcome data.
In addition to performing retrospective epidemiologic
studies, the EACE researchers have begun prospective longi-
tudinal efforts to examine rehabilitative and QoL outcomes.
Another key facet to the EACE R&S directorate is the
Wounded Warrior Recovery Project (WWRP). The WWRP
is a 16-year, longitudinal, prospective, informed-consent
study being conducted through Naval Health Research Cen-
ter, which tracks long-term QoL, mental health outcomes,
pain experiences, social support, and prosthetic/orthotic use
and satisfaction.
Funding for the WWRP is through U.S.
Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
Complementary to the WWRP, additional surveillance
studies are aimed at understanding the prevalence and pre-
vention of developing secondary health conditions following
severe extremity trauma, such as osteoarthritis, obesity, car-
diovascular disease, and low back pain. These secondary
conditions may exacerbate an existing disability caused by
the initial extremity injury.
Among these secondary con-
ditions, delayed amputations receive particular attention as
individuals may eventually choose or require an elective
amputation to recover function. Delayed amputations, occur-
ring more than 90 days after initial injury, account for 10 to
15% of all combat-related amputations
and correlate with
adverse physical and psychological diagnoses.
Future studies
will work to identify early predictors of delayed amputations
including the speci
fic injury, wound complications, and reha-
bilitation therapies that may increase or decrease the likelihood
of amputation.
Findings from the EACE Epidemiology and Surveillance
research focus area support EACE-speci
fic needs related to
rehabilitating and reintegrating injured service members and
veterans. This research will help inform DoD and VA clini-
cal practice recommendations, guidelines, and policy on
extremity trauma and amputation care.
Medical and Surgical Innovations
In recent years, signi
ficant efforts have been devoted toward
developing advanced medical therapies and surgical tech-
niques to improve the restoration of tissue form and function
following traumatic composite tissue injury. The EACE, col-
laborating with ongoing research efforts at WRNMMC and
the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, is
in the early stages of building a capability to conduct pre-
clinical and clinical research in the broad area of medical
and surgical innovations. The overarching goal of the EACE
Medical and Surgical Innovations research focus area is to
foster the development of next-generation regenerative medi-
cine therapeutics and innovative surgical approaches and to
accelerate the translation of the best-performing technologies
to the clinic.
Regenerative Medicine (RM) focuses on replacing or
regenerating human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or
establish normal form and function.
Next-generation regen-
erative medicine therapeutics focused on restoring tissues of
the extremities (i.e., muscle, bone, tendon, ligament, nerve)
are particularly relevant for service members and veterans
with extremity trauma and/or amputation. Additionally, many
of these therapeutics that have been developed and/or investi-
gated were supported, at least in part, by DoD and/or VA,
such as the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine.
Examples of topics currently under investigation by the
EACE researchers include the clinical evaluation of a biologic
scaffold material to aid in the restoration of tissue structure
and function following volumetric muscle loss; the preclinical
evaluation of the mechanisms that drive biomaterial mediated
tissue regeneration as a means to facilitate rational design of
next-generation RM materials and therapeutics; the develop-
ment of 3-dimensional bio-printing; and whole organ engi-
neering capabilities, among others.
Several innovative surgical approaches have been devel-
oped to facilitate tissue reconstruction and improve limb
function for individuals with traumatic extremity injuries.
Examples include targeted muscle reinnervation
for pros-
thetic control and osseointegration, in which a prosthesis is
attached directly to the skeleton of a patient with an amputa-
The EACE researchers are currently participating in
several osseointegration studies, led by clinicians at WRNMMC,
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 181, November/December Supplement 2016
EACE: Overview of the Research and Surveillance Division
whose ultimate goal is to improve the QoL for individuals
with limb loss, especially those who cannot tolerate conven-
tional, socket-based prostheses.
These RM therapeutics and innovative surgical approaches
offer immense potential to promote tissue restoration, improved
function, and/or enhanced QoL; however, they vary in their
stage of development, with relatively few technologies having
reached commercialization and/or widespread clinical imple-
mentation. Thus, continued investment by the DoD in future
research and development activities is needed to realize true
clinical success in re-establishing optimal function and QoL for
service members and veterans with severe extremity trauma
injuries. These future directions should encompass activities
that span the full spectrum of the research continuum
basic science to preclinical animal models to human clinical
trials conducted by teams of clinicians and researchers from
fields including orthopedic surgery, regenera-
tive medicine, bioengineering, and rehabilitation.
Military medical research often paves the way for changes
in civilian and global clinical practice, partly because of the
nature of high-impact innovations and discoveries. At the
time of establishment, the EACE entered richly developed
clinical and research environments comprised of federal, aca-
demic, clinical, and industry leaders. Through its R&S Divi-
sion, the EACE is able to leverage and expand upon existing
research efforts, funding, and infrastructure to establish research
in four key focus areas. Together with their collaborators and
partners, the R&S Division strives to conduct research that
fluences clinical practice guidelines throughout the Military
Health System, VA, and civilian health care networks. The
EACE researchers actively compete for intramural and extra-
mural research funding to execute scienti
fic investigations that
improve the clinical outcomes of our injured service members
and veterans as they return to the highest-possible level of
physical, psychological, and emotional function. The EACE
R&S Division will continue to conduct relevant research and
findings into clinical practice to improve QoL for ser-
vice members and veterans. The EACE will continue to inno-
vate and discover so that our nation
’s service members and
veterans are provided the highest level of care.
We would like to thank former directors of the EACE R&S Division: COL
Rachel Evans (Ret.) and CAPT Lanny L. Boswell for mentorship and lead-
ership. We also thank LTC Jane Cronk (Ret.), COL Andrea Crunkhorn
(Ret.), Dr. Susan L. Eskridge, Dr. Ted Melcer, COL James Mundy (Ret.),
COL Billie Jane Randolph (Ret.), CAPT Michael D. Rosenthal, COL John
Shero (Ret.), and Dr. Brian Schulz for providing text edits, fact checks, and
advisements during the writing of this article. Finally, we would like to
recognize COL Rebecca Hooper (Ret.), COL Charles Scoville (Ret.), and
CAPT Jennifer Town (Ret.) for their leadership and direction during the
development of the Armed Forces Amputee Patient Care Program and
Military Amputee Research Program.
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