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2.1-§. Language organization of e-mail writing
Speech activity is defined as an active, purposeful, mediated by the language system and conditioned by the situation of communication, the process of transmitting and receiving messages43. This concept accumulates in itself phenomena related to the generation of speech and its perception, to the processes of speaking and listening, to the result of activity expressed in the form of an utterance, discourse, text.
The letter appeared on the basis of sounding speech, as a repository of human knowledge and accumulated experience, as a mirror of the culture and traditions of each country44. It plays an important role in teaching a foreign language. The problem of teaching foreign language written speech was dealt with by a number of domestic and foreign researchers such as: Vygotsky L.S., Gez N.I., Lyakhovitsky M.V., Mirolyubov A.A., Zimnyaya I.A., Luria A.R., Bogoyavlensky D.N., Galskova N.D., Solovova E.N., Elkonin D.B., Friedman L.M., en Piaget.
The above scientists give different definitions of writing, but all emphasize that writing is an extremely multifaceted and complex phenomenon. Consider a number of definitions of writing and writing by different authors.
So for Passov E.I., writing is one of the main independent types of speech activity, which can be carried out at two levels: reproductive and productive45.
At Horny G.V., writing is a complex speech skill that allows the help of a system of graphic signs to ensure communication between people46.
According to Solovova E.N., writing is a complex speech skill, an additional means of communication to sound speech, which is carried out with the help of a system of graphic signs47.
Galskova N.D. defines writing as a productive analytic-synthetic activity associated with the continuation and fixation of a written text48.
Parrot M. emphasizes that a letter is a writing of a message that evokes a response from the reader, and this response must correspond to the author's intention49.
In the method of Leontiev A.N. written speech is the ability to combine words in writing to express one's thoughts in accordance with the needs of communication50.
Babinskaya P.K. writes that written speech is a type of speech activity, the purpose of which is to express thoughts in writing (letter, essay)51.
Solovova E.N. emphasizes that written speech is a bookish style of speech, the process of expressing thoughts in graphic form52.
Shchukin A.N., written speech is a type of speech activity, which has the purpose of transmitting information in writing to according to the communication situation53.
Note that, with all the diversity, not all of the listed definitions of writing and writing reflect important aspects of our study. The objectives of my research correspond to the definitions of Parrot M., Rogovoi G.I. and Leontyeva A.N.: "Writing is a complex speech skill that allows, with the help of a system of graphic signs, to ensure communication between people." "Written speech is the ability to combine words in writing to express one's thoughts in accordance with the needs of communication"54.
Writing is a productive activity in which a person writes down speech for the purpose of transmitting it to others. The product of this activity is a speech work or a text designed for reading.
Based on this definition, consider writing and written speech as a type of speech activity and as a product.
As a type of speech activity, writing and writing is based on the ability to write. The ability to write is a complex phenomenon based on the following skills:
1) writing signs of writing (i.e. calligraphy);
2) correct recoding of speech sounds into adequate graphic signs (i.e. spelling);
3) construction of a written statement (i.e. composition);
4) lexical and grammatical writing skills.
The skills of the first and second groups can be called writing technique. The skills of the third and fourth groups will be slightly different, both in composition and quality55.
Writing and written speech as a product is a graphic system (graphics and spelling) for expressing thoughts in graphic form: personal and business letters, biography, resumes, essays, etc.
Productive written speech is divided into: educational written and communicative written56.
Educational written speech is the performance in writing of various language and conditional speech exercises aimed at mastering productive lexical and grammatical skills, speech skills, including the skills of communicative writing.
Communicative written speech is an expressive type of speech activity aimed at verbal communication in writing. The purpose of teaching such speech is to develop the ability to create various types or genres of written messages - texts.
So, teaching writing and writing is the possession of calligraphy, graphics, spelling, punctuation, as well as lexico-grammatic and compositional skills.
Electronic mail, or email, as it has come to be known, is one of the most popular applications of online digital technologies. The specific technology that made email possible already existed in the 1960s and 1970s, but only 20 or so years later did this new means of communication become truly widespread. Hundreds of millions of people now use email daily for countless purposes, from carrying out administrative tasks and distributing announcements of public events to sharing recipes and keeping in touch with family and friends.
The goal of mastering the technique of email and writing in a new language for students is the possession of graphics and spelling. Therefore, writing is considered as an important tool in language learning.
It helps to solid assimilation of language material (lexical, grammatical) and the formation of skills in reading and speaking. Writing can also perform an auxiliary function if students learn the technique of writing: they learn to write letters, they know the spelling of words57.
Although text-based online communication is written, it partially resembles oral communication. Many people have commented that composing an email message feels like talking even though it is written; others have noted that at least in some respects it even looks like talking—some of its linguistic features resemble those of speech. We have seen in my previous lecture that in interactive--synchronous--modes, digital communication is dynamic and improvisational, as is ordinary conversation.
In English tradition, personal letters have always been more conversational and informal than business or official ones. Thus, the transition to a medium that fosters a partially speech-like mode should be less problematic in the case of personal letters than in that of business or official ones, in which the informal style facilitated by the new medium conflicts with traditional norms.
The main features of the business letter template are probably familiar to most readers. They are shown in the next transparency. The standard paper business letter is supposed be cast in a formal style--to use language appropriate to formal situations. It should contain a formal opening--a formal salutation such as "Dear" + Title + Last Name as in "Dear Dr. Jones"--and a formal closing such as "Sincerely," "Sincerely yours," or "Yours truly"), followed by a signature, First Name + Last Name, on a separate line. Formal letters also often include a pre-closing, such as "Thank you very much" or "I look forward to hearing from you".
In connection with the foregoing, we highlight the following functions of written email communication:
1. Contact-establishing (phatic) function: establishing, possible further maintenance and continuation of contact as a state of readiness to send and receive messages and promote the development of interaction, mutually beneficial ties. Directly in written communication, it manifests itself in the observance, so to speak, of the “protocol” of a business letter and is expressed in appeals.
It is worth noting that “the establishment of language contacts between native speakers (the function of communication in the narrow sense) is a very specific type of speech activity, which has not the main, but, as it were, auxiliary character. Therefore, the two most important functions of language are communication and influence, the complex dialectical unity of which is the essence of the function of communication in the broadest sense of the word”58.
2. Information function (message): sending and receiving messages, i.e. information exchange.
3. Incentive, or stimulating, function: encouraging a pen pal to engage in business activity in order to organize joint activities.
4. Influencing function: an act of influencing the behavior, activities of the partner, excluding alternatives in his actions.
5. Regulatory function: pragmatic management of interaction, regulation of relations between partners, which consists in setting priorities in joint activities, regulating roles. It can be directed both at the initiator of communication and, mainly, at the accomplice of communication with to control or change behavior.
6. Manipulative function: resorting to language manipulations, communicative techniques or moves to distort or transform information in order to change the consciousness of the accomplice of communication, subordinating him to the interests of the communicator-manipulator.
7. Expressive function: expression of one's emotional states, excitation of the necessary emotional states of the partner.
8. Socio-cultural function: the formation and development of mutual relations between partners as representatives of certain linguo-cultural societies; ensuring the national specificity of speech behavior.
9. Interpretive function: interpretation of information from certain positions in order to understand the partner and his situation.
10. Confrontational function: confronting a partner, disagreeing with him, expressing distrust or a negative attitude towards a partner, reproaches, threats, bringing charges, presenting evidence of his erroneous decisions, defending his position. It is advisable to single out such a function, from our point of view, since, as already mentioned, communicative interaction also carries conflict relations.
11. Confirmatory function: attributed by us to written communication; serves to fix and substantiate in business letters verbal details of business activities, duties, obligations, legal grounds, etc. In this work, the allocation of this function is justified by the fact that the written form of communication is often used to confirm an oral agreement, as well as to clarify certain business issues using provisions that have a legal status, for example, references to contractual conditions, legislative articles, paragraphs of orders, etc.
12. Identifying function: identification by professional affiliation, social status, linguistic and cultural uniqueness of the individual.
The functions we have identified are significant for the exact characterization of an email letter as a special kind of written communication, which, ultimately, is a multidirectional communication process associated with a change in the roles of communication participants, when the initiating party in order to influence the initially passive participant in communication (recipient) often becomes the affected party (in case of positive or negative feedback).
The linguistic organization of an e-mail letter in the work is understood as an ordered group of linguistic units as standardized components of the text of the letter, communicatively oriented to the addressee and displaying the connections and relationships between them at the lexical and grammatical levels.
Based on this, first of all, we consider it necessary to present the language standards relevant for the analyzed modern e-mail letters, which form their basic language structure. Language standards characterize lexical, including phraseological, morphological, syntactic features of business letters.
The e-mail letter of the 21st century retains the continuity of standards, however, when analyzing the actual material, we were convinced and have repeatedly confirmed that its linguistic characteristics are refracted in the ever greater “presence” of a linguistic personality in it. In a letter, we notice not so much the author's "I" as the author's appeal to the addressee.
In the linguistic features of the letter, we note those linguistic components that indicate, in particular, that the author of our time, unlike previous periods of business correspondence, seeks to collect more information about the addressee so that he can appeal to his needs and use his weaknesses.
In this we see a linguistic effect, namely, an increase in the influencing power of linguistic means on the addressee, an increase in the possibility of manipulating him. In turn, this makes modern business writing more expressive and emotional. For example:

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