6.Trombotsitope niya-
Kondagi trombotsitlar mikdorining kamayib ketishi.
The overall deposit amount of platelets
7.Shilling formulasi-
Turli leykotsitlarning
protsent mikdori nisbati.
The interest rate amount of leukocytes
8. Gemoliz
Eritrotsitlarning gipotonik eritmada shishib yorilishi.
Erythrocyte rupture , swelling in hypotonic solution .
1.Melanoblasto sitlar(melanots itlar)-
Pigment sintez kilish xususiyatiga ega bulgan xujayralar.
Which features a synthesis of the pigment cells .
2.Melanoforotsi tlar-
Uzida pigment saklovchi xujayralar.
Which features a
synthesis of the pigment cells .
3.Kollagen tolalar(fibrae collagenosae)
Yunoncha “colla”-elim, “genos”-yaratmok, vujudga keltirmok, elim xosil kiluvchi degan ma’noni anglatadi. Fakatgina asl biriktiruvchi tukima bulmay, balki suyakda “ossein”, togayda “xondrin” tolalar nomi bilan mavjud.
The Greek word " collar " -elim , " Geno " -yaratmok , which means forming a glue keltirmok . Is not only the original tissue , but the bones " Osseo " cartilage " xondrin " In the name of the fiber .