Merokrin bezlar
Sekret ishlab chikarish turiga kiradi, ishlab chikarilgan sekret xujayraning butunligi saklangan xolda diffuz yo‘libilan ajraladi.
Secretary, procedures, type of production sekret cell stored with the diffuse Julius and fashion.
Apokrin bezlar
Sekret ishlab chikarish turiga kirib xujayra apikal kismi buzilishi kuzatiladi
The secretary of the violation of the apical portion of the cells is observed
Galokrin bezlar
Sekret ishlab chikarish turi bulib, xujayra parchalanishi natijasida ajralish kuzatiladi
Secretary , procedures should be observed as a result of the collapse of the type of cell separation
Kon plazmasidagi oksil bulib, konning ivishida muxim rol uynaydi.
Fibrinogensiz plazma kon zardobi deyiladi.
Curling of blood plasma protein depositions which an important role . Called plasma fibrinogen serum
Buyok rangiga xos bulmagan
xususiyatlarni paydo bulishi bulib, asosan bazofil donachalariga xos.
According to the specific features do not appear the color of which specific basophil rounds
Kon plastinkasining periferik zonasi bulib, strukturaga ega bulmagan zona.
Mining and reel peripheral zone which structure unspecified zone .
Kon plastinkasining markaziy zonasi bulib, donador zona xisoblanadi.
Mining sheets in the central zone of more
granular zone environments .
Kondagi trombotsitlar mikdorining oshib ketishi.
Deposit exceed the amount of platelets