Məmmədov A.Q., Məlikov Y.F. Mal-qarada fassiolyoz və onunla mübarizə. Bakı, Elm
nəşriyyatı, 1979, 42 s
Hacıyev Y.H., Əliyev A.Ə., Qarayev V.B. Azərbaycanda heyvanların fassioloyozu və ona qarşı
mübarizə tədbirləri. Bakı, 1991, 22 s
Hasan Ganbarov
Studying of the comparative antihelminthes effect of preparations in fastciolosis of sheep
in the areas of Julfa region
In the conditionsof the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic at trematodosesof small cattle
with fascioliosisare dominant invasion. Anthelmintic action of two preparations: alben and vilpar
fasciolioses of sheep were studied in 6 settlements of Julfa region in disadvantaged households
according with trematodoses. In an experiment on 60 sheep spontaneously infested with fascioloses
on the principle of analogues were divided into 6 groups equivalent (10 specimens). 5 animals from
each group were asked individually albin in the morning orally with food at a dose of 360 mg / kg
body weight of 35-40, 5 specimens straggler did not receive the drug, and served as control. And
other settlements, and in the same order vilpar asked the drug at a dose of 900 mg / 40 kg body
weight. As a result of the experience of establishedthat 90,0-% and 80% power antihelminthes
effect alben and vilpar respectively in the first and second experimental groups. The number of eggs
in faeces oftrematodes in the control animals before and at the end of the experience is not
significantly changed. Based on the results of studies have confirmed that the drug has a high
albinanthelminth effect in sheep at fasciolioses.
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