(Fulltext) Some of the article databases available from the Illinois library offer full text electronic access to a wide range of articles.
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
Kitoblarning xalqaro standart raqami
A four-part, ten-character code given a book (a non- serial literary publication) before publication as a means of identifying it concisely, uniquely, and unambiguously. The four parts of the ISBN are: group identifier (e.g., national, geographic, language, or other convenient group), publisher identifier, title identifier, and check digit. (ALA Glossary)
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
Davriy nashrlarning xalqaro standart serial raqami
The international numerical code that identifies concisely, uniquely, and unambiguously a serial publication.(ALA Glossary)
MARC format
MARC (Mashina o’qiy oladigan katologlash tili) kataloglashtirish xalqaro standart formati
MARC (Machine-readable Cataloging) An international standard format for the arrangement of cataloging information so that it can be stored and retrieved using
computer tapes.
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
On-line electron-kutubona kutubxona markazi bo’lib, yig’ma electron katalog hisoblanadi. Masofadan shu madumotlar bazasiga murojaat qilishimiz mumkin
A bibliographic network based on an online database of approximately 28 million cataloging records from its 5500 members, including those of Illinois Library since 1975. It now serves more than 18,000 libraries in 52 countries. The OCLC database is used for cataloging, for reference work, and for interlibrary loan. It is the world's largest and most comprehensive database of bibliographic information.