MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies
AMERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and
International Studies
Volume 01, Issue 06, 2023 ISSN (E): 2993-2157
Improvement of the Constitutional Guarantees of the
Inviolability of Property
Nazarov Shavkat Nazarovich
Associate Professor of the Constitutional Law Department at the Tashkent State University
of Law (TSUL)
The article is devoted to the problem of improvement of the constitutional guarantees
of the property right. The author summarized the practice of the Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Uzbekistan on the problems of protecting the right of property from arbitrary
interference by third parties and the state.
immunity, constitutional law, improvement, property law,
Republic of
Uzbekistan, personal property.
The Constitution serves as a key factor and guarantee of the development of the country, the
successes we are achieving, the prosperity of the Motherland, the peaceful and prosperous life of
our citizens. The Concept of further deepening of democratic reforms and the formation of civil
society in the country put forward by the head of state has become a logical continuation of
ongoing democratic transformations and modernization.
According to party activists, on the basis of
the norms of the Constitution, a system of state
support for small businesses and private entrepreneurship has been created, the development of a
legislative framework for ensuring the rights and interests, guarantees for the activities of
business entities. Consolidation The basic law of the presence in our country of various forms of
ownership and guaranteeing the right of everyone to be an owner
served as the basis for the
formation of a multi-structural market economy in our country, the development of small
businesses and private entrepreneurship, the formation of a middle class in society - the class of
owners [3].
Property is the economic foundation of society. Also, the socio-economic structure of the society
is determined by property and who owns the property. It is possible to develop social relations
without property, to implement measures aimed at ensuring the well-being of the people in the
country. Property is a source of activity in all spheres of social life [1].
The right of private property is the sovereignty of the owner over material or other material and
immaterial benefits guaranteed by the state and limited in the interests of society.
The private owner is guaranteed the right to use the property belonging to him in any way in
accordance with his interests [4].
Article 53 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan states that "The state guarantees the
of economic activity, entrepreneurship and labor, taking into account the priority of
consumer rights, the equality and legal protection of all forms of property. At the same time,