MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies www. AMERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies Volume 01, Issue 06, 2023 ISSN (E): 2993-2157 Lms Systems and Their Description Abduraximov Ozodbek Azimjon o‘g‘li, Tojidinov Azizbek Ilhomjon o‘g‘li, Nazirjonov Ubaydulloh Nozimjon o'g'li Muhammad Al- Khorazmi TATU named after Ferghana branch student It is known that each education institution own education process manage for modern from
technologies come came out without , its own virtual information education environment tries to
create . Current to time come , virtual information education environment of creation the need
because there is no left
Web environment different adapted kind of software complexes
passionate programmer and education in the field work coming of employees in cooperation
performance , as well as education directed funds by support as a result , free and open coded
software supplies created
This is a study in our module remote education process organizing opportunity giver free and
open coded programs of the complex analysis is brought . Education in the module given
software complexes analysis a lot years during take went scientific researches is the result .
Remote teaching - eng good traditional and innovative methods , teaching tools and uniforms
own into received external and daytime education like information and telecommunications
technologies based on education is the form
Remote reading is new information technologies , telecommunications technologies and
technical tools based on education is a system . It is education to the recipient known standards
and education laws and regulations based on study conditions and teacher with communication
providing from the student more independent respectively requiring engagement is a system . In
this reading process education recipient which at the time and which in the place to be depends