individual, society and the government .
The direct effect of the Basic Law allows public administration authorities, public officials, the
judiciary and citizens to directly apply constitutional norms in practice without the need for other
laws or legal acts.
In this regard, it is important that the new edition of Article 15 of the draft of the Constitution
establishes the norm that
“the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan has supreme legal force, direct action and forms the basis of a unified legal space throughout the country” .
First of all, the direct action of the Constitution implies that decisions are made by state
authorities and their public officials, including the courts, directly applying the norms of the
Constitution in law enforcement practice. Since constitutional norms, by their legal nature,
primarily define the limits and limitations of government authority, which serves to prevent
abuses of authority and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.
In particular, ministries, khokimiyats, courts, prosecutor's offices, internal affairs authorities and
other government authorities, public officials make decisions on a particular case or matter with
reference to the norms established in the Constitution.
Secondly, the principle provides for the direct use and observance of constitutional norms by
citizens. This means that every citizen, in order to protect his rights and freedoms, can appeal
directly to the authorities of the public administration and the courts to constitutional norms.
At the same time, a court may apply constitutional norms directly, without the need for
additional national legislation. The direct operation of the Constitution protects citizens from
unlawful acts of government authorities and their public officials.