finverse - Functional inverse.
compose - Functional composition.
Variable Precision Arithmetic.
vpa - Variable precision arithmetic.
digits - Set variable precision accuracy.
Integral Transforms.
fourier - Fourier transform.
laplace - Laplace transform.
ztrans - Z transform.
ifourier - Inverse Fourier transform.
ilaplace - Inverse Laplace transform.
iztrans - Inverse Z transform.
double - Convert symbolic matrix to double.
poly2sym - Coefficient vector to symbolic polynomial.
sym2poly - Symbolic polynomial to coefficient vector.
char - Convert sym object to string.
Basic Operations.
sym - Create symbolic object.
syms - Short-cut for constructing symbolic objects.
findsym - Determine symbolic variables.
pretty - Pretty print a symbolic expression.
latex - LaTeX representation of a symbolic expression.
ccode - C code representation of a symbolic expression.
fortran - FORTRAN representation of a symbolic expression.
Access to Maple. (Not available with Student Edition.)
maple - Access Maple kernel.
mfun - Numeric evaluation of Maple functions.
mhelp - Maple help.
procread - Install a Maple procedure. (Requires Extended Toolbox.)
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