tabiatdagi barcha ob’ektlarni va jamiyatda sodir bo‘ladigan barcha jarayonlar, ishlab chiqarish sohasida yaratilgan mahsulotlarning sifatini miqdoriy baholash muammolari va metodologiyasini o‘rganuvchi ilmiy fan.
These are not idle questions. Unless we figure them out we cannot count on success in addressing the issue of quality. Therefore, let us clarify our definitions of the key terms, quality and control. At the
outset we introduce some terms based on which it will be possible to define the desired term, quality
(yunon. “peridos” – “doira bo‘ylab aylanish”) – muayyan hodisani o‘zida qandaydir yakunlangan jarayonni qamrab olgan ma’lum vaqt
birliklariga ajratilishi.
(from Greek l. “peridos”
– gyre, helix,) – division of a certain phenomenon into units of time that comprise a completed