Termin O‘zbek tilidagi sharhi Ingliz tilidagi sharhi

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O‘zbek tilidagi sharhi

Ingliz tilidagi sharhi


hisoblash tizimi xizmatlaridan foydalanish huquqiga ega shaxs (shaxslar guruxi, tashkilot).

the person (group of persons, organization) who has the right to use the services of a computer system.

Axborot sirqib chiquvchi kanal

ko‘riklanuvchi ma’lumotlardan (tijorat siri, fizik muhit va sanoat ayg‘oqchilik vositalari majmui) ruxsatsiz foydalanishga imkon beruvchi konfidensial axborot manbaidan to niyati buzuqgacha bo‘lgan fizik yo‘l.

actual path from a source of confidential information to the malefactor, on which probably unauthorized obtaining protected data (set of a source of a trade secret, the physical environment and means of industrial espionage).

Axborot tarmog‘i xavfsizligi

axborot tarmog‘ini ruxsatsiz foydalanishdan, me’yoriy harakatiga tasodifan aralashishdan yoki komponentlarini buzishga urinishdan saqlash choralari.

measures designed to protect network information from unauthorized access, accidental or intentional interference with normal activities or attempts to destroy its components.

Faol taxdid

tizim holatiga atayin ruxsatsiz o‘zgartirish kiritish tahdidi.

the threat of a deliberate unauthorized system state changes.

Faol xujum

kriptotizimga yoki kriptografik protokolga hujum bo‘lib, unga binoan dushman va/yoki buzg‘unchi konuniyfoydalanuvchi xarakatiga ta’sir etishi, masalan, qonuniy foydalanuvchi xabarini almashtirishi yoki yo‘q qilishi va xabarni yaratib uning nomidan uzatishi va h. mumkin.

attack on a cryptosystem or cryptographic protocol in which the offender or the enemy and can affect the legitimate user actions, for example, replace or remove legitimate posts, create and send messages on his behalf, etc.

Ijtimoiy injeneriya

xizmatchi xodimlar va foydalanuvchilar bilan, turli nayrang, aldash va h. orqali chalg‘itish asosidagi muloqotdan olinadigan axborot yordamida axborot tizimining xavfsizlik tizimini chetlab o‘tish.

round of system of safety of system information by means of information received from contacts with the service personnel and users on the basis of their introduction in delusion at the expense of various tricks, deception and so forth.

Kompyuter jinoyatchiligi

o‘zi yoki uchinchi shaxs uchun mulkiy foyda olish hamda raqibiga mulkiy ziyon yetkazish maqsadida axborot resursidan ruxsatsiz foydalanishni, uni modifikatsiyalashni yoki yo‘qotishni amalga oshirish.

implementation of unauthorized access to information resource, its modification (fake) or destruction for the purpose of obtaining property benefits for itself or for the third party, and also for causing property damage to the competitor.


Taqqiqotlarni tashkillashtirish shakli. Bunda u yoki bu ob’ekt to‘g‘risida to‘xtovsiz axborot kelib turadi

The form of organization of research. There is a constant flow of information about this or that object


Tarmoqda joylashgan fayllar va boshqa resurslardan foydalanishni taqdim etuvchi tarmoqdagi kompyuter

A computer on a network that provides access to files and other resources located on a network


Tan olingan standart tashkiloti tomonidan tasdiqlangan yoki sanoat tomonidan de facto standart tomonidan tan olingan format yoki tavsif

A format or description approved by a recognized standard organization or recognized by an industry de facto standard

Suqilib kirishga sinash

tizimni uning himoyalash vositasini (xususan, ruxsatsiz foydalanishdan himoyalash vositasini) tekshirish maqsadida sinash.

system test for the purpose of check of means of its protection (in particular from illegally go access).


Jamiyat axborot soxasining faoliyatiga xavf tug‘dirayotgan jami omillar va omillar guruhi

A group of factors and factors that threaten the functioning of the public information sector

Tarmoq taxlillagichlari (sniffer)

tarmoqtrafigini “tinglash”ni va tarmoq trafigidan avtomatik tarzda foydalanuvchilar ismini, parollarni, kredit kartalar nomerini, shu kabi boshqa axborotni ajratib olishni amalga oshiruvchi dasturlar.

programs, asking for “listening” network traffic and automatically selects the network traffic of user names, passwords, credit card numbers, other similar information.

Tizimning osilib qolishi

yangi topshiriqlar kiritilishini bostirish yo‘li bilan multidastur tizimini to‘xtatish (“yaxlatish”).

system hang - stop ("freezing") multiprogramming system by inhibiting the entry of new jobs.

Trafik tahlili

1. Trafik oqimini kuzatish (borligi, yukligi xajmi, yunalishi va chastotasi) asosida axborat xolati xususida xulosa qilish. 2. Deshifrlanishga sabab bo‘lmaydigan, ammo g‘animga yoki buzg‘unchiga uzatilayotgan ochik matn va, umuman, kuzatilayotgan aloqa tizimining ishlashi xususidagi bilvosita axborotni olishiga imkon beruvchi aloqa tizimi orqali uzatiluvchi shifrlangan xabarlar majmuining tahlili. Trafik tahlili shifrlangan xabarlarning rasmiylashtirish xususiyatlaridan, ularning uzunligi, uzatilish vaqti, uzatuvchi va qabul qiluvchi xususidagi malumotlardan foydalanadi.

1 . Report on the state information based on observation of traffic flows (presence , absence, amount , direction and frequency . 2 . Analysis of all encrypted messages sent over the communication system does not lead to decrypt , but allowing the opponent and / or the offender obtain indirect information about the transmitted Post and generally observed on the functioning of the communication system. A. that uses features of registration messages encrypted , and their length , the transmission time , the data sender and recipient , etc.

Xavf - xatar tahlili

nomuvofik hodisalar paydo bo‘lish holida kutiladigan zararni aniqlash maqsadida, ehtimollik hisoblashlardan foydalanib, tizim xarakteristikalarini va salbiy tomonlarini o‘rganish jarayoni. Xavf – xatarni tahlillash masalasi u yoki bu xavf – xatarning maqbullik darajasini aniqlashdan iborat.

the process of studying the characteristics and weaknesses of the system, conducted using a probabilistic calculations in order to determine the expected damage in case of adverse events. The task of risk analysis is to determine the acceptability of a risk to the system.

Xavfsizlik xizmati ma’muri

xavfsizlikni ta’minlashning bir yoki bir necha tizimi hamda loyihalashni nazoratlash va ulardan foydalanish xususida to‘liq tasavvurga ega shaxs (yoki shaxslar guruhi).

person (or group of people) having (s) complete understanding of one or more security systems and controls (s) design and use.

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