Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2019, 9, *-*
ISSN Online: 2165-3925
ISSN Print: 2165-3917
DOI: 10.4236/***.2019.***** **** **, 2019
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
On the Issue of Bilingualism in Terms of
Independence of Uzbekistan
Nasiba Azizova
Department of Basics of Spirituality and Law, Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan
This article examines the theory of bilingualism: types of bilingualism, the
causes of bilingualism and development of national-Uzbek bilingualism in
the context of the national independence of Uzbekistan. According to the
author, development of bilingualism in various forms is an important factor
in strengthening national consolidation, enhancing the economy and culture
of Uzbekistan. The author analyzes the theoretical, historical and socio-poli-
tical aspects of development of bilingualism.
Bilingualism, Uzbekistan, Multinational State, National-Uzbek Bilingualism,
Influence of Bilingualism on Thinking
1. Introduction
Bilingualism is a very complex phenomenon that is comprehensively studied in
such disciplines as philosophy, linguistics, psychology. Numerous studies and
scientific works of well-known foreign scientists, such as L. Scherba, G. Veresha-
gin, U. Weinreich, V. Avrorina, and Zalevskaya, are devoted to the problem of
bilingualism. But many of them have different, contradictory opinions that it is
important to study, systematizing them. Among them, the problem of the corre-
lation of cultures in the formation of culture of bilingualism has been studied
very little.
Bilingualism—a common phenomenon in modern society, associated with the
movement of ethnic, political, geographical factors. The intensity of interna-
tional relations, the free movement of capital and labor, information, cultural
and political integration require knowledge of two or more languages. This is
important for obtaining education, work or activities in another country [1]. In
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Journal of Applied Sciences, 9, *-*.***.2019.*****
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N. Azizova
DOI: 10.4236/***.2019.*****
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
the current period, when the mixture of peoples, languages and cultures has
reached unprecedented scope, and more than ever the problem of raising toler-
ance for foreign cultures, awakening interest and respect for others, bilingualism
in intercultural communication acquires extraordinary importance. The term bi-
lingualism from Latin means “bi”—two, and “linqua”—language. In special lite-
rature, the concept of bilingualism has many definitions. Combining these defi-
nitions, bilingualism means the simultaneous use of two languages. For example,
if U. Weinreich calls “bilingual practice the alternate use of two languages” [2],
then Rosenzweig defines “Bilingualism is usually understood as the possession of
two languages, regular switching from one to another depending on the situa-
tion of communication” [3]. The commonality of data definitions by linguists is
that the simultaneous free use of languages is not focused on how widely used is
the second language, but on the practical use of communication. Scientists dis-
tinguish different types of bilingualism: individual and social bilingualism (for
example, in countries with two state languages). For example, E. M. Vereshagin
distinguishes three levels of bilingualism: receptive (a type of bilingualism in
which an individual who speaks a second language understands it, although he
cannot synthesize text in a given language), reproductive (an individual can re-
produce what he read and heard in that language on which he perceived them)
and productive (the ability not only to understand and reproduce, but “to make
up meaningful statements”) [4]. In the theory of bilingualism the causes of the
emergence of bi- and polingvism, that is, social sources are studied [5]. Various
contacts: 1) the mixed coexistence of different nationalities on the same territo-
ry. In the same city can live a few dozen or hundreds of different nationalities
who have not forgotten their native language. In neighboring regions, near the
borders, the number of people speaking two languages is growing. In some coun-
tries (Switzerland, Canada) the people who can communicate freely in two or
three languages make up a large number. There are also countries in which lin-
guistic inequalities can be traced which sometimes lead to serious conflicts.
However, despite the conflicts, bilingualism also inevitably develops; 2) there is
an increase in bilingualism as a result of political conflicts, wars and labor mi-
gration; 3) economic, commercial and cultural ties, education, tourism and other
social ties and factors lead to the study of other languages; 4) in the education
system, foreign languages are studied (independently in families) in secondary
schools and higher educational institutions of all countries; In general, know-
ledge of languages spiritually enriches a person, develops intelligence, expands
educational opportunities, him the gives opportunity to read foreign literature,
scientific works, travel around the world and communicate with people without
an interpreter.
2. Materials and Methods
Uzbekistan is known as a multinational state. Uzbek as a state language should
serve as a means of inter-ethnic interaction, to unite and consolidate the peoples
N. Azizova
DOI: 10.4236/***.2019.*****
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
of the republic.
It should be especially noted that the multinationality of our country was
complicated by the influence of socio-political factors. In particular, during the
times of the tsarist invasion and the Soviet empire, representatives of different
nationalities moved to our country. Also, the national composition of our re-
public changed again during the Second World War (1941-1945). Uzbekistan
received more than 1 million evacuees from the front lines, helped them and
showed kindness. In addition, as a result of repressions of all people’s, repre-
sentatives of different nations, such as Koreans, Crimean Tatars, Meskhetian
Turks, Germans who were forced to move to our country, were obligatory reset-
tled in our country. If in 1897, representatives of 70 different nationalities lived
on the territory of Uzbekistan, then in 1926 their number reached 91, in 1959 it
was 113, and in 1979 it was 123. Today, their number is more than 130, the share
of the population of Uzbekistan is 20 percent [6].
Analysis of the results of a study conducted by the Institute of Strategic and
Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan showed that
among the representatives of other nationalities living in our country, namely
the Slavic diaspora (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians)—38.6%, the people of
Volgograd (Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash)—72.5%, the people of Central Asia (Ka-
zakhs, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Turkmen)—78.2% consider Uzbekistan to be their birth-
place. All of them are bilingual at one level or another: they know both Uzbek
and native. This form of bilingualism is called national-Uzbek bilingualism. In
addition, Uzbek-Tajik, Uzbek-Kazakh, Uzbek-Kyrgyz, Uzbek-Russian bilingual-
ism is quite common among Uzbeks throughout Samarkand, Bukhara, and some
Giving the Uzbek language the status of the state language has become a great
impetus for the development of national-Uzbek bilingualism. Representatives of
other nationalities who consider Uzbekistan their homeland, increased attention
to the study of the Uzbek language. The number of families who send their
children to Uzbek schools has increased noticeably.
The multinational development of Uzbekistan also requires the development
of national-Uzbek bilingualism. This is necessary so that representatives of other
nations and nationalities living in Uzbekistan could integrate more deeply into
society, contribute to the development of our country as a whole, fully realize
their capabilities. Whatever state it is, it will not be able to achieve progress
without bilingualism. The reason is that bilingualism is one of the most effective
means of achieving the world achievements of science and culture. Around the
world, several hundred thousand special translators are needed for the transla-
tion of scientific, technical news and other information in time. If we spend our
intellectual potential only on translation, the number of people who are directly
involved in creative work will reduce. Therefore, every specialist, especially the
creative intelligentsia, without translation should read and understand the lite-
rature relating to his field in English, Russian, French, German.
N. Azizova
DOI: 10.4236/***.2019.*****
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
The history and current state of our Uzbek culture is largely associated with
bilingualism. At their own time, such scholars as Al-Farabi, Abu RayhanBeruni,
Ibn Sina, Ulugbek, Ali Kushchi, Al-Bukhari, Al-Termizi, Khoja Bahauddin-
Naqshband , Navoi, Babur, studied Arabic and Persian, and some even Sanskrit,
Greek and Latin, they became geniuses of their time for careful study and de-
velopment of scientific, artistic, philosophical works created in these languages.
Therefore, it was not for nothing that scientists said that this was the era of the
“Eastern Renaissance.” By knowing many languages, they became acquainted
with the socio-economic development and culture of other countries and, thanks
to their works, they introduced our country to the whole world by their master-
There is no consensus among scientists on how bilingualism affects thinking.
In particular, the need to learn languages from childhood and the perception of
what is done in practice, how does the growing child’s consciousness affect, does
confusion cause? Some philosophers and psychologists positively assess the im-
pact of bilingualism on thinking, while others do not have a significant positive
or negative impact. However, in practice, all three situations may arise. It de-
pends on the teaching methods and level of instruction in the language. Bilin-
gualism does not have a negative impact on thinking with the best knowledge of
one of the languages. Comparative knowledge of two languages has a positive
effect on thinking. As noted above, the problem of bilingualism remains one of
the controversial problems in science, especially in social psychology and social
philosophy. Philosophers, psychologists, representatives of social linguistics
dealing with language and thinking, among various groups, linguistic sociolo-
gists who study the tendencies of language and culture, note that bilingualism
has a negative impact on thinking, that there is a mixture in the speech of the
majority of both languages and interference of languages.
The influence of bilingualism can be both positive and negative, depending on
the conditions in which the interaction of two languages takes place. W. Lambert
(1974) writes about this. He distinguishes between two types of bilingualism: ad-
ditive bilingualism and subtractive bilingualism. When the first language is the
main one and learning a second language does not crowd out the first, bilingual-
ism has a positive cognitive effect. In this case additive bilingualism takes place.
In the opposite situation, the impact of bilingualism is negative and is called
subtractive bilingualism [7].
Considering the issue of the impact of bilingualism, most researchers em-
phasize the importance of language proficiency [7]. J. Cummins put forward an
“interdependence hypothesis”. He pointed out that if the child's first language
skills and linguistic skills were well developed, the bilinguals would be able to use
the skills of a language in the second language and use it successfully, and that
the second language would be easily integrated (Cummins, 1991) [8].
“Theory of the threshold level” (threshold theory) is aimed at determining the
causes and patterns of the positive influence of bilingualism on the intellectual
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DOI: 10.4236/***.2019.*****
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
development of the individual. It focuses on a certain point from which the posi-
tive influence of bilingualism on the cognitive abilities of a person. According to
this theory, a bilingual child must reach certain thresholds in his development in
order to have a positive impact of bilingualism (Cummins, 1979; Skut-
nabb-Kangas & Toukomma, 1976). Researchers identify two threshold levels -
the lower (lower threshold) and upper (upper threshold). The achievement of
the lower level occurs when oral speech development in the native language can
continue its development along with the second language without any interfe-
rence from its side. Achieving this level helps to avoid the negative effects of bi-
lingualism. Reaching the upper level implies a positive impact and is associated
with the development of reading skills (Cummins, 1979) [9].
Those who are in the opposite opinion emphasize that bilingualism has only a
positive effect on thinking. Another group of scientists, being indifferent to the
position, insists that bilingualism does not have a positive or negative impact on
thinking. All these views are one-sided. In fact, any of the above cases can occur
under certain conditions.
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, it can be said that the development of bilingualism in various
forms is an important factor in strengthening national consolidation and im-
provement of the economy and culture of Uzbekistan. In this regard, the neces-
sary conditions must be created for the national-Uzbek bilingualism, that is,
other people living in Uzbekistan, along with their native language, know the
Uzbek language. This also follows from the law of Uzbekistan “On the state
language” and directly depends on the fate of the future of the country. Na-
tional-Uzbek bilingualism should be implemented voluntarily through science-
based policies, while national languages should not contradict each other, but
complement each other freely.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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[3] Rosenzweig, V.Yu. (1972) The Main Questions of the Theory of Language Contacts.
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[4] Vereshchagin, G.M. (1969) Psychological and Methodological Characteristics of Bi-
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[5] Lvov, M.R. (2002) Fundamentals of the Theory of Speech: Textbook. Allowance for
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Open Journal of Applied Sciences
[6] (2005) Uzbekistan on the Way of Democratization and Renewal of Society, Moder-
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[7] Cenoz, J. (2003) The Additive Effect of Bilingualism on Third Language Acquisi-
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[8] Gonzalez, V. (1999) Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 310 p.
[9] Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1983) Bilingualism or Not: The Education of Minorities. Multi-
lingual Matters, Clevedon, 404 p.
Document Outline - On the Issue of Bilingualism in Terms of Independence of Uzbekistan
- Abstract
- Keywords
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Materials and Methods
- 3. Conclusion
- Conflicts of Interest
- References
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