Oxford word skills chapter Leisure And Lifestyle 20. Talking About Food

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13 . Give sth away bee'tiborlik tufayli sababchi bo'lmoq
They've given away two goals already .
14 . Fixture sport musobaqasi belgilangan kun
There are plans to make the race an annual fixture .
15 . Sign a player sportchi bilan shartnoma imzolamoq
To sign a player
16 . Thrash sb oson mag'lub etmoq
Scotland thrashed England 5–1 .
17 . Transfer sb ga transfer qilmoq
He was transferred from Spurs to Arsenal for a huge fee .
18 . Seed eng yaxshi o'yinchi
She was the top seed at the US Open this year .
19 . Make your debut birinchi jamoat chiqishi
He will make his debut for the first team this week .

24 . Talking About Gardens And Nature
1 . In the process of jarayonida
I'm now in the process of creating my own garden .
2 . Slope qiyalik
A grassy slope
3 . Shed chayla
There are two blackbirds building a nest under the roof of the garden shed .
4 . Scatter sochmoq
I've scattered seeds to create a wild-flower meadow .
5 . Meadow yaylov , o'tloq
Traditional hay meadows are important wildlife areas .
6 . Compost compost
Add compost to enrich the soil .
7 . Prune kesmoq ( SYN . cut sth back )
He pruned the longer branches off the tree .
8 . Bulb o'simlik piyozi
Plant bulbs for the following spring .
9 . Dig ag'darmoq
Dig the ground if it's not too muddy .

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