Mas’ul muharrir:
Haitov Sh.A. – tarix fanlari doktori, professor
Zamonov A.T. – tarix fanlari bo‘yicha
falsafa doktori
Rahmonov K.J. – tarix fanlari nomzodi, dotsent
Mazkur qo‘llanmada qadimgi, o‘rta asrlar, xonliklar, mustamlaka,
boshqaruvi va mustaqillik davrlarida O‘zbekistonda arxiv ishi tarixi, arxiv
muassasalari faoliyati hamda arxivchilarning xalqaro aloqalari bayon etilgan.
Arxivshunos mutaxassis kadrlarni tayyorlash sifatini
oshirish talablaridan kelib
chiqqan holda fanning mohiyati va ahamiyatini ochib berishda
xorijiy ilmiy-
metodologik yondoshuvlardan hamda adabiyotlar (Craig Robertson. Media History
and the Archive.
New York.
Routledge, 2011.,
Antonina Burton. Archive
Stories.(facts, fictions and the writing of history). – London.2005.)
В пособии указана история архивного дела в Узбекистане в древние
времена, в
средние века, в период ханства и колонии, в период советского
правления и в годы независимости. Также описывается деятельность
архивных учреждений и международные связи архиваторов.
Для передачи
сущности и важности данной работы использовались зарубежные научно-
методологические подходы и литература
(Craig Robertson. Media History and
the Archive.
New York. Routledge, 2011.,
Аntonina Burton. Archive Stories.
(facts, fictions and the writing of history). – London.2005.).
In this manual the history of archive work in Uzbekistan
during the ancient
times, middle ages, period of khanates and colony, during the sovet government and
the years of independence was indicated. The activities of archive establishments
and international relations of archivers were also described. Foreign scientific-
methodological approaches and literatures
(Craig Robertson. Media History and the
New York. Routledge, 2011.,
Аntonina Burton. Archive Stories. (facts,
fictions and the writing of history). – London.2005.)
were used
for increase the
essence and importance of the book.