Jismoniy tarbiya tizimining maqsadi - shaxsning jismoniy madaniyatini shakllantirishdir.
Selyu sistemы fizicheskoy kulturы – yavlyaetsya formirovanie fizicheskoy kulturы lichnosti.
The goal of the system of physical culture is the formation of the physical culture of the individual.
Dunyoqarash – bu inson faoliyatining yo‘nalishini belgilovchi qarashlar va g‘oyalar majmuasidir.
Mirovozzrenie - eto sovokupnost vzglyadov i idey, opredelyayuщix napravlennost chelovecheskoy deyatelnosti.
A world view is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity.
Davlat ta’lim standarti – ta’lim maqsadlariga erishish uchun zarur va yеtarli bo‘lgan bilim, malaka va ko‘nikmalarning jamlanmasi, ta’lim mazmunining optimal minimumidir.
Gosudarstvennыy obrazovatelnыy standart - sovokupnost znaniy, umeniy i navыkov, neobxodimaya i dostatochnaya dlya dostijeniya seley obrazovaniya, optimalnыy minimum soderjaniya obrazovaniya.
The state educational standard is a set of knowledge, skills and skills, necessary and sufficient to achieve the goals of education, the optimal minimum of the content of education.
Jismoniy madaniyat vositalari – deb, jismoniy kamolotga erishish maqsadida foydalaniladigan faoliyat jismlari, shakllari va turlarining jamlanmasiga aytiladi.
Sredstvami - v fizicheskoy kulture nazыvayut sovokupnost predmetov, form i vidov deyatelnosti, ispolzuemыx lyudmi s selyu fizicheskogo sovershenstva.
Means - in physical culture is called a set of objects, forms and activities used by people for the purpose of physical perfection.
Harakat – deb, inson harakat faoliyatining natijasi, tananing yoki tana a’zolarining tashqi jismlar yoki bir-biriga nisbatan siljishiga aytiladi.
Dvijenie – eto rezultat dvigatelnoy deyatelnosti cheloveka, obespechivayuщiy peremeщenie tela ili еgo chastey po otnosheniyu k vneshnim predmetam ili drug k drugu.
Movement - is the result of the motor activity of a person, ensuring the movement of the body or its parts in relation to external objects or to each other.
Harakat amali – deb, biron-bir harakat vazifasini hal qilish uchun tizimga birlashtirilgan harakatlar guruhiga aytiladi.