Presentation noun, present verb
1.When the teacher introduces new language usually by focusing on it formally, often by using the board and speaking to the whole class.
2.When a learner or learners gives a talk to their class or group.
Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) - A way of teaching new language in which the teacher presents the language, gets learners to practise it in exercises or other controlled practice activities and then asks learners to use or produce the same language in a communicative and less controlled way.
Презентация, практика и производство
Taqdimot, amaliyot va ishlab chiqarish
Procedure - The details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson, e.g. learners practise the language of complaints in a role-play in pairs.
Project work - An activity which focuses on completing an extended task or tasks on a specific topic. Learners may work in groups to create something such as a class magazine. Learners sometimes do some work by themselves, sometimes outside the classroom.
Проектная работа
Loyiha ishi
Realia - Real objects such as clothes, menus, timetables and leaflets that can be brought into the classroom for a range of purposes.
Реальный материал, используемый в обучении
O'qitishda ishlatiladigan real hayotiy materiallar