ever-increasing /
ˈevə(r) ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ/ Adjective
something that is
ever-increasing is continuing to grow
in size or number
Collocates: ever-increasing numbers | ever-increasing
paying off an ever-increasing student loan | we’re using
up fossil fuels at an ever-increasing rate | the ever-
increasing price of houses in London | ever-increasing
fuel bills | an ever-increasing number of visitors from
experimental /
ɪkˌsperɪˈment(ə)l/ Adjective
experiment is a scientific test that you do to see what
happens under certain conditions. Activities that you do
like this are
Collocates: experimental methods/data/results
no changes were allowed during the experimental
period | the experimental methods of Dr Hughes |
an experimental research project | the experimental
nature of the scheme | the experimental results were
experiment | Verb: experiment |
Collocates: do/conduct/carry out/perform an experiment |
an experiment shows/proves something
permission to conduct the experiment was granted |
the experiment was a failure | the experiment showed
no harmful effects of the drug | we need to experiment
further | surgeons experimented on rabbits before
using the technique on humans | the theory cannot
be tested experimentally | this can be demonstrated
experimentally under laboratory conditions
fraudulent /
ˈfrɔːdjʊlənt/ Adjective
fraud is the crime of deliberately deceiving people in
order to get money from them.
Fraudulent activity is
based on a lie and deliberately tries to deceive people,
especially in order to get money from them
Collocates: fraudulent activities/practices | a fraudulent
a fraudulent insurance claim | fraudulent and illegal
arrangements | unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent
fraudulently | Noun: fraud | Noun: fraudster |
the money had been fraudulently obtained | a
fraudulently signed contract | he was sent to prison for
tax fraud | he admitted to committing fraud | a convicted
fraudster | he had been accused of defrauding church
members in New Jersey
gamble /
ˈɡæmb(ə)l/ Verb
gamble means to do something that involves risk.
It also means to risk money in an attempt to win more
Collocates: gamble on something | gamble with something
if you go abroad for treatment, you are gambling with your
health | he’s gambling that the product will be popular | I’ve
never been tempted to gamble on horse racing
gamble | Noun: gambling | Noun: gambler
deciding to go ahead with the event was a gamble |
it was a big gamble | he took a gamble and it paid off
(was successful) | people who disapprove of gambling
| a compulsive gambler (a gambler who cannot stop