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Si-GaN for conference corrected

rIII and rV – covalent radii of atoms of chemical elements of groups III and V of the Periodic table of chemical elements, respectively.
For the generalized moments of molecules of binary compounds III-V in the solid phase, the arithmetic mean values of the generalized moments of atoms of groups III and V of chemical elements corresponding to the highest valencе are taken as:

The generalized moments of molecules and the band gap of binary compounds III-V and elementary semiconductors are given in Table 1.

As could be seen from the Table 1, the generalized moments of GaN and Si2 molecules have close values (m*GaN = 109.4∙102 and m*Si2 = 104.0∙102 C/m). The mutual substitution of GaN and Si2 molecules does not lead to a strong deformation of the crystal lattice, while the energy of elastic distortions of the crystal lattice will be minimal. These components form is a solid solution of molecular substitution (Si2)1-x(GaN)x.

    1. Growing epitaxial layers of (Si2)1-x(GaN)x solid solution

Solid solutions (Si2)1-x(GaN)x were grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy from a limited volume of a tin solution-melt in a hydrogen atmosphere. The substrates were KDB-0.01 and KEF-5 single-crystal Si washers with a diameter of 20 mm, a thickness of 400 μm, and crystallographic orientation (111). During the growth process, the following technological parameters were varied: - the composition of the solution-melt; - the temperature of the beginning and end of crystallization; - the rate of forced cooling, and the distance between horizontally located Si substrates. The composition of the Sn-Si-GaN melt solution in the weight ratio of components was determined based on the results of preliminary experiments data: Sn – 97.78 wt.%, Si – 0.97 wt.%, GaN – 1.25 wt.%. Under optimal conditions, the growth temperature range was 950–850°C, the cooling rate was 1 deg/min, and the distance between horizontally located substrates was 1 mm. At the selected parameters of the technological process, the entire surface of the substrate was covered with a continuous homogeneous epitaxial film. The adhesion of the epitaxial films to the substrate surface was of high quality. The surface of the film was smooth-mirror; the thickness of the epitaxial layer was the same over the entire surface and amounted to ~10 μm. Intentionally undoped films had n-type conductivity with concentration of ~ 3.4∙1016 cm-3 and mobility of ~ 133 cm2V-1sec-1 of electric charge carriers and resistivity of ~ 1.38 Ohm∙cm at 300 K.
Fig. 1 shows the crystal lattice of a solid solution of molecular substitution (Si2)1-x(GaN)x. As could be seen from fig. 1, the crystal lattice of the solid solution contains covalent bonds such as Ga-N, Si-Si, Ga-Si and N-Si.
Since the breaking energies of such covalent bonds are different, they can contribute to the appearance of energy levels in the band diagram of a solid solution.

Fig. 1. Hypothetical crystal lattice of a solid solution of molecular substitution (Si2)1-x(GaN)x enriched with GaN molecules.

  1. Yüklə 136,25 Kb.

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