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Si-GaN for conference corrected


Thus, based on the rules of generalized moments of atoms and molecules of elementary semiconductors and binary compounds III-V, the possibility of forming a semiconductor solid solution of molecular substitution based on silicon and gallium nitride has been estimated. Solid solutions of molecular substitution (Si2)1-x(GaN)x on silicon substrates have been grown by liquid-phase epitaxy from a limited volume of a tin solution-melt. The epitaxial layers had a mirror-smooth surface with the high-quality adhesive properties to the substrate.
The grown layers (Si2)1-x(GaN)x have a number of interesting properties, in particular, layers of pure GaN could be grown on them; atoms of Si2 molecules form a band of energy levels are lying at 1.66 eV below the bottom of the conduction band of solid solutions; and current transfer in the p-Si–n-(Si2)1-x(GaN)x structure is stable in the temperature range from 300 to 360 K.


This work was financially supported by the Fundamental Research Programs of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences on the topic “Photovoltaic, thermal-voltaic, photothermal-voltaic and radiative effects in two and multicomponent semiconductor solid solutions with nanocrystals, created on silicon substrates from the liquid phase”.


The data supporting the findings of this study are available from corresponding author by request.

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