Iot based Intelligent Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System Zaidon Faisal Shenan Ali Fadhil Marhoon Abbas A. Jasim Electrical Engineering Department

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Recently, the developments in the field of the IoT 
technology have led to renewed interest in developing the 
greenhouse technology. The pleasant was complaints from 
several things such as keep track the irrigation process and 

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having to do it manually. Also, the plants may suffer from 
bad circumstances like temperature and light. The major 
objective of this paper is to develop practical smart 
greenhouse with three intelligent control systems in order to 
obtain suitable circumstances. The proposed system has the 
ability to monitor and control the greenhouse from any place 
in the world. Fig. 1 depicts the block diagram of the entire 
The overall designed system could be divided into three 
important parts; hardware, software, and IoT structure. 
A. Hardware Design: 
The system compromises numerous tools that are 
utilized to obtain the desired system. The tools are explained 
in two sections (Sensing and Actuators): 
a) Sensing: 
In order to apply the automation process on a given 
system, sensors are required. The adopted intelligent control 
system is fed by sensor information. Several types of 
sensors are used including: 
1) Temperature and Humidity sensor (Htd11): is new 
advanced temperature moistness sensor that has many 
favorable circumstances, for example, small size, basic 
interface, quick reaction, and inexpensiveness[8]. 
2) The Soil humidity Sensor uses capacitance: measure 
the water in a soil by computing the dielectric tolerance of 
the soil, which is a component of the water [9]. 
3) A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or a photograph 
resistor: is a gadget whose resistivity is a component of the 
occurrence electromagnetic radiation. Subsequently, they 
are light sensitivity gadgets[10]. 
b) Actuators: 
The actuators could be defined as system that receive 
control signal that categorized as low power signal usually 
generated by the microcontroller to operate the devices that 
require high Energy that may be voltage or currents 
Fig. 1 Block diagram of the Greenhouse system. 
The first system is Cooling/Heating system, the device 
wanted to be controlled is the Thermo-electric cooler 
(Peltier). This device operates on 12 VDC, the Peltier gives 
warming in a specific direction of current and in opposite 
direction gives cooling. The amount of heating or cooling 
depends on the current value and direction that passes to the 
In order to satisfy the above conditions a design of 
control circuit that was shown in Fig.2. This control circuit 
gives suitable polarity and passing the required amount of 
current by using Mosfet IRF640N. 
The second system is the irrigation system. The DC 
pump/Motor required to be controlled in this system. The 
pump operates on 12 VDC, but the difference in this system 
needs much less current than Peltier. For that purpose, L298 
Motor driver are adopted, which provide 2 amperes as a 
maximum. Fig. 3 shows the circuit that used to control the 
The third system is the Light system. The object should 
be controlled is LED board, which operate on 5 VDC. In 
this situation is the same voltage of the microcontroller, but 
if the LED Board drawing current more than the ability of 
microcontroller. To protect the microcontroller, a Mosfet 
IRF640N is utilized to drive the LED board. Fig. 4 clarifies 
the control circuit for lighting LED board. 
Fig. 2 Peltier’s Control Circuit. 
Fig. 3 Pump’s Control Circuit. 
Fig. 4 Light Control Circuit. 

Basrah Journal for Engineering Sciences, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017 63 
The prescribed control circuits have been implemented 
in real world. Fig.s (5,6, and 7) have been shown the 
complete hardware system. 
The irrigation system has been depicted in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 
shows the hardware implementation of the light control 
system. The temperature control system with actuators and 
wiring should be illustrated in Fig.7. 
Fig. 5 Irrigation system and sprinklers. 
Fig. 6 LED Board and LDR 
Fig. 7 The Front-side of the implemented system. 
B. Software Design (Fuzzy Controllers): 
The proposed system uses fuzzy controllers, which is 
effective in numerous control issues, which may have a 
problem if managed the system by using direct methods. 
The fuzzy logic controllers depend on expert’s knowledge 
or trial and error. Because of the linguistic expression of the 
fuzzy controller, it has not been anything but difficult to 
ensure the stability and robustness of the fuzzy control 
frameworks. The Fuzzy controllers are designed and 
programmed in the single microcontroller, the execution 
should be sequentially and pass the required information for 
each fuzzy controller. In this paper, three fuzzy control 
systems are implemented (Temperature Control System, 
Irrigation Control System, and Light Control System). 

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