(types) are distingushed. For instance, a tree (type)- poplar, cherry, maple, apple,
spruce…(type); fruit (kind) – apple, cherry, peach, apricot, pear (type); teaching
aids (kind) – notebook, book, pen, ruler …. (type)
. If we can give examples for
this relationship such as, a gadjet (kind) - smart watch, smart board, smartphones
Morover, the uzbek linguist Rohatoy Safarova gave the most theoritically
important points about our research work in her book “Types of lexical-semantic
relationships” (“Leksik-semantik munosabatlarning turlari”):
In addition to the Uzbek scholar Rohatoy Safarova’s
opinion that is
“Language has its own role in expression of gender relations in an objective
universe being uses the usual two options:
a) A formed compound vocabularies or meaningful units on the
foundation of an explicit combination of a descriptive word that the name of the
sign with the word denoting the name of the gender represents the name of the
concept of the species: Indian goose, Turkish tea, Chinese tea and so on. ( Jins
belgisining nomini ifodalovchi so’z bilan tur belgisining nomini ifodalovchi
so’zning eksplitsid tarzda birikuvi asosida hosil bo’lgan so’z birikmasi yordamida
tur tushunchasining nomini ifodalaydi: cho’rtan baliq, hind g’ozi, xitoy olmasi,
turk choyi, hind choyi, xitoy choyi va boshqalar);
b) Without the explicit combination of the word denoting the name of the
kind sign expresses the name of the type and sign through separating lexical units:
horse, slave. Do’lan; dog, puppy, house dog and so on. (Jins belgisining nomini
ifodalovchi so’zning eksplitsid tarzda birikuvisiz, alohida lug’aviy birliklar orqali
tur belgisining nomini ifodalaydi: ot, qulun, g’olon, do’lon; it, kuchuk, laycha,
Rasulov R. O’zbek tilidagi holat fe’llari va ularning obligator valentliklari.-T.:Fan, 1989.-68 b.
Safarova R. Leksik-semantik munosabatlarning turlari.-T: O’qituvchi, 1996.-48 b.
to’rtko’z, bo’ribosar);
Thus, hypo-hyperonymic relations have a possibility to be
expressed in the language system through two types of linguistic units, in Uzbek
language two kinds of semantic relationships [kind-type] can be described, exactly
the methods of expression of hypo-hyperinymic relations through lexical and
syntactic units is the base or foundation for the conclusion.
Since, the Uzbek language has a way of expressing hypo-hyperonymic
relations through syntactic units, the question of defining a syntactic unit that
serves to create this relationship requires a logical observation.
In this situation, the Uzbek linguist Safarova Rohatoy’s opinion adds
clarity: “Dunyodagi barcha boshqa tillar kabi o’zbek tilining ham [jins-tur]
munosabatini ifodalash asosida bog’langan lug’vaiy birliklarni so’z birikmasi
vositasida ifodalash imkoniyati cheklanmagan bo’lib, bu vositalar mahsuldor
modellar orqali tasvirlanadi, xuddi shu tipdagi modellar bilan chegaralanadi”
the same time, based on the linguist R. Safarova’s comments on the expression of
hypo-hyperonymic relations in Uzbek language, the following question arises: “
Can the evidence in our language prove that the [kind-type] relationship occurs not
only through lexical units, but also through syntactic units – word combinations?”
Naturally,this question raises the lexical and syntactic possiblities of our language
to understand the essence of the unifiying [type-gender] realtionship requires a
comparision of lexemes and phrases that express the type and gender relationship.
It is obvious that the lexical meanings of the hyponyms of Uzbekistan,
“Ma’rifat”, Chorsu, stallion, love, cancer, the hyperonyms of the state,
newspaper, tree, market, horse, emotion, disease specific generalized semantic
information is given. Each hyponym names a specific type of hyperonym.
However, the following units which are in phrases and such hyponyms are the
Republic of Uzbekistan, “Ma’rifat” newspaper, peach tree, Chorsu market, Arabian
Safarova R. Leksik-semantik munosabatlarning turlari.-T: O’qituvchi, 1996.-P.48.
Abuzalova M., Nazarova S. Sistem tilshunoslik asoslari.-Buxoro: “Buxoro” nashriyoti. 2010. –P .96.
Baskakov N.A., Sodiqov A., Abduazizov A. Umumiy tilshunoslik. – T.: O’qituvchi, 1979. –P. 192.
Safarova R. Leksik-semantik munosabatlarning turlari.-T: O’qituvchi, 1996.-P.48.
horse, hatred, cancer have their own hyperonyms, exactly, state, newspaper, tree,
market, horse, emotion “name” a certain type of disease in a specific way.
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