İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Vəliyulla Beydulla oğlu Cəfərov
Бакинский Государственный Университет
Доцент кафедры Дипломатии и современных интеграционных процессов
e-mail: valicafarov@mail. ru
УДК: 327-027. 21
Начиная со средины ХХ столетия в международных отношениях стали при-
меняться информационные средства, при помощи которых правительства стара-
ются менять установки и мнения других народов и правительств таким образом,
чтобы оказать влияние на их внешнеполитические решения. Такую политику на-
зывают «публичной дипломатией» или же «мягкой силой». В статье рассматри-
вается тенденция превращения информации в настоящее время в «мягкую силу»,
позволяющая выработать новую внешнеполитическую стратегию, что называется
« ноополитикой»
Ключевые слова: «публичная дипломатия», холодная война, международные
отношения, информация, «мягкая сила», «виртуальная дипломатия», «информа-
ционная сила», стратегия
Məqalənin redaksiyaya daxil olma tarix: 03. 08. 2016
Redaksiya heyətinin 23. 09. 2016 tarixli qərarı ilə çapa tövsiyə edilmişdir.
Rəyçi: dos. K. C. Məmmədov
Journal of
Economics and Political Sciences
No. 3 (4) 2016
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Salman Taghiyev
Management of activities of the orga-
nization on the basis of motivational anal-
ysis in the present conditions becomes an
important issue, as a need to address such
issues arise: Analysis of consumer motiva-
tions; Active influence on customers; Cus-
tomer loyalty; Definition of market trends
and demand forecasts, price and other pa-
rameters, etc.
Creation of an extensive marketing
system allows you to solve these and many
other questions exclusively by the enter-
prise. In the face of increasing competition
and the crisis accentuation of the enterprise
on customer needs and increase in the de-
gree of customer loyalty to the company,
and its brand, create the need to review the
marketing operations of the enterprise [3].
In order to understand consumer be-
havior, the factors of it should be examined
first, that influence this and these factors
must be considered by marketers, although
not all of them depend on them, as they
relate exclusively to the personal charac-
teristics of each customer. What and how
to buys the people - determined by its cul-
tural, social, personal and psychological
characteristics. Most of these marketing
cannot control, nevertheless it should take
them into account. This group includes the
cultural, social, personal and psychologi-
cal factors [4]. Consider some of them.
Culture is the main force predetermin-
ing desires and behavior of a man. It in-
cludes the core values and desires, behav-
ioral characteristics, which he learns by
living in society. However, society, as well
Baku State University.
Lecturer at the department of Economy and Management,
UDC: 338.46:339.1
In today’s highly competitive world markets it becomes more urgent question of
analysis of consumer behavior. The fame of the goods, products and services provided
by the firm does not always guarantee success. In order to ensure the loyalty of target
customers to the organizational offers in modern conditions an important role plays mar-
keting tools. With an eye to fully use of them, it is necessary to analyze the motivation of
consumer behavior and on that basis it is necessary to develop and operate an appropri-
ate marketing strategy. It is important to predict the behavior of consumers, in order to
emerge victorious in the face of fierce competition. This article deals with the concept of
consumer behavior and its influence on marketing strategies of firms.
Keywords: Consumer behavior, marketing, consumer motives, human character-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of consumer behavior in the implementation of marketing strategies
as the whole world is not static, but con-
stantly evolving, so for example, what the
child learned in childhood, may lose its ac-
tuality by the time of his growing up, and
he himself will have to change his views
on certain things. Culture determines what
we eat, where and how we go. Culture is
dynamic: it changes, adapting to environ-
mental changes.
Marketers are constantly trying to de-
termine the trend of changes in the culture,
to develop new products and services that
are able to assess the emerging market. For
example, an increased desire for a healthy
lifestyle, characteristic for contemporary
American culture, has led to the emergence
of many hotels sports clubs and gyms, and
those hotels that cannot afford such a luxu-
ry, began to enter into contracts with local
sports clubs, so they allowed their guests
to train on their sites. [4] Cultural factors
play an even more important role in the ac-
tivities of international companies, as the
culture of different countries can vary dra-
matically from one another. Consider this
on a few examples.
- Shaking his head, people in most
countries say “No”, and in Bulgaria and
Sri Lanka - “Yes.”
- In Norway, and Malaysia is consid-
ered impolite to leave something half-eat-
en on his plate, and in Egypt, on the con-
trary, indecent eat all clean.
Therefore, before marketers stands
the question of standardization or adap-
tation of their products. On the one hand
standardization facilitates their work, and
on the other, the adaptation of products in-
creases the chances of success in any par-
ticular market.
Another factor which plays an impor-
tant role for marketers, with the definition
of consumer behavior is a social factor [1].
The behavior of the individual and his
social attitudes greatly influenced by his
inner circle, which represents the differ-
ent social groups. Those groups to which
he belongs are called membership groups.
They include primary social group (fam-
ily, friends, neighbors, work colleagues)
and secondary social groups (men, be-
tween which are supported by more formal
and less regular communications) [4]. For
example life of members of the Muslim
northern communities characterized by
their religious views that must necessarily
be taken into account when carrying out
market analysis. For instance, their atten-
tion cannot attract advertising of wine or
drinking establishments, since they cannot
drink alcohol by religious. Also a big role
on human behavior has a so-called Etalon
Group. These are the people on whom the
common man aspires to be like. For ex-
ample a student who wants to become a
member of the Board of Directors of Mer-
cedes, can identify himself with this group
of people, however hr is not a member.
Influence of reference groups is distrib-
uted differently on consumer preferences
in choosing different products. When buy-
ing goods for strictly personal use the in-
fluence of this group is not so much. But
for example, some night clubs, which are
associated in humans with the reference
groups, attract people who would like to
belong to this group or to be in contact
with someone who are a member of these
Another group, which can greatly af-
fect a person’s decision, it’s his family.
The family is still the most important or-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Salman Taghiyev
ganization in our consumer society. For
example, the effect of children in a family
significant when it comes to choosing fast-
food restaurant and that is why fast-food
chain McDonald’s in its advertising as-
signs the main role to the children. (Happy
meal with a gift inside).
Another factor that plays an equally
important role are the personal factors
such as age, stage of life, occupation, fi-
nancial situation, lifestyle, self-esteem and
life credo.
Age and family life cycle.
The interest of the people to a particu-
lar type of goods and services changed in
the course of their life. For example, in the
early years of a child’s life, as well as in
old age, human power is limited, it may be
due to diet in old age, and not the ability
to have a child, but with the growth of the
power range expands gradually including
most of the products consumed in the usu-
al man. Similarly, people associated with
age preference for different kinds of recre-
ation and entertainment.
Buyer’s behavior also influenced by
family life cycle (young bachelor / young
unmarried woman, a young married cou-
ple with or without children, the old bach-
elor / spinster, an elderly couple without
children or having adult children, divorced
and without children / divorced and with
children and so on. d.) and the financial
position associated with a particular stage
of the life cycle. [4] Many restaurants use
this successfully, making its customer base
of predominantly young single people and
young couples without children. Most of-
ten, these restaurants settle in new residen-
tial areas, especially in affluent suburbs,
where residents’ incomes are high.
Occupation of human impacts the
nature of its purchases.[6] For example,
workers, builders often dine in mobile
canteens that serve them directly in the
workplace. Business people have lunch in
reputable restaurants, and their secretaries
in quick-service restaurants.
Financial situation
Income of people is very strongly
influence the nature and amount of pur-
chases made by them. In times of crisis,
consumers reduce to a minimum all of
their costs, especially the cost of food in
restaurants and entertainment, even during
the holidays. While doing marketing, it is
necessary to observe the trends in the dis-
tribution of income, the availability of sav-
ings and interest rates on deposits. There-
fore, restaurants can enter budget dishes
on the menu, in order to keep their clients.
Also, in times of economic lift, buyers
are willing to spend more of their money,
costs are increased, which can induce res-
taurants again revise its prices, but in the
opposite direction. All this should be taken
into account in advance by the marketing
managers and for this purpose they have
to constantly monitor the economic news,
and read reports of local banks and others.
The identity of each person plays a
role in human behavior, as a buyer. Person-
ality factors are the factors that distinguish
one person from another and determine the
individual human response to world. For
example, one study aimed at determining
a person’s identity on the acquired goods
(in this case beer), revealed that the typical
consumers of this beverage are character-
ized by high sociability and aggressive be-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of consumer behavior in the implementation of marketing strategies
havior. This and any other information of
this kind can be used to create the logo and
determination of the destination campaign.
Finally proceed to factors that play the
most important role in our research -psy-
chological -, namely the factor of motiva-
tion. Any human need is achieved through
motivation, a person must be hungry, to
search for a restaurant or order food, ma-
chinery tank must be forsaken, in order
the driver to drove into the gas station to
fill it. Psychologists have developed sev-
eral theories to explain the motives of
human activity. Two of them, which are
the most popular - the theory of Sigmund
Freud and Abraham Maslow, - give two
different approaches to consumer behav-
ior, and both can be used for marketing
analysis. Maslow’s theory is based on hu-
man needs and the well-known Maslow’s
pyramid. (Figure 1) According to his the-
ory, human needs constitute a hierarchy
from the most significant to the least sig-
nificant. Most important, is need of lower
level- physiological further in descending
order goes the need for self-preservation,
social needs, the need for recognition and
respect, and the need for self-affirmation
and self-expression. Without realization
the need of lower lever, one can not real-
ize the need for standing above [5]. But
as each of these requirements is met, turn
comes to the next.
Freud also thought that a person is not
able to realize the true power of the psy-
chological factors that shape his behav-
ior. And in his opinion, person could not
manage these motives; completely banish
them, or take full control. Analyze of mo-
tivation reveal interesting and sometimes
funny things about the ulterior motives
that guided them when choosing a product.
For example, one classic study of this kind
has shown that many customers do not like
prunes, because it is wrinkled and reminds
them of sickness and old age.
The study of consumer behavior offers
answers to questions about what they buy,
why buy, when buy, where to buy, how of-
ten to buy, how to buy. Therefore, compa-
nies and professionals spend a lot of effort
to study relationships between incentive
marketing factors and the response of con-
For this purpose, disclose the concept
of motivational analysis. Motivational
analysis the area of marketing research re-
lated to the identification of the causes of
changes in consumer behavior in the mar-
ket and the assessment of their impact on
the change in demand. [2]
As it was discussed above, it is clear
that consumer behavior - is a dynamic pro-
cess, constantly changing under the influ-
ence of the huge number of factors, as well
as factors of the marketing mix, or 4-P.
Different organizations seek the best way
to sell their products (services) that will
coincide with the preferences and tastes
of consumers in many ways. Thus, we can
come to the conclusion that the firms that
operate in the Azeri market at this crisis
moment should implement their own mar-
keting strategies, and do not take strate-
gies, which are although successful, but
used by foreign companies. And we must
remember that not all marketing moves
can operate in our country, as the business
environment, as well as the behavior of the
consumers themselves may differ signifi-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Afandiyev Madjid
Figure 1
1. Иванова О.О. Мотивационные исследования в маркетинговой деятельности
российских предприятий: автореф. дис. … канд. экон. наук. – М., 2003. – 25 с.
2. Краткий словарь экономиста [Электронный ресурс]. URL:http: // dic.aca-
3. Ламбен Жан-Жак. Менеджмент ориентированный на рынок / Пер. с англ.
под ред. В.Б. Колчанова. – СПб.: Питер, 2007. – (Серия «Классика МВА»). – С.146
4. 4.Филип Котлер, Джон Боуэн, Джеймс Мейкенз. Маркетинг. Гостеприимство.
Туризм- C.96
5. Энджел Дж., Блэкуэлл Р., Миниард П. Поведение потребителей. – СПб.:
Питер, 2000. – С. 39.
6. Залтман Дж. Как мыслят потребители. То, о чем не скажет потребитель, то,
чего не знает ваш конкурент. — СПб.: Праймеврознак., 2006.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Specific different features between ethics and policy
The article describes the concepts of
ethics and politics, and their interaction
with each other. Special attention is paid
to the specific features that distinguish
morality and politics, as well as the gen-
eral characteristics of these spiritual phe-
nomena are investigated. The essence of
moral and political values,role of these
values in the formation of political and
moral identity , as well as the role in the
development of society as a whole is ana-
Universal character of moral, moral
and psychological mechanisms impact of
ethical values , as well as the humanist
regulations of human behaviour stipulates
the relationship between ethics and poli-
tics. Ethics and politics are organizing,
regulating and controlling spheresof soci-
ety, but the existence and performance of
these spiritual phenomena in the public
sector differs from one another.
Morality as opposed to other institu-
tions, such as government and policy is not
materialized in management offices, gov-
ernment institutions, and is lack of means
of communication. It is only objectifies in
the language and speech, as well as other
social events and properties. However,
morality covers all essence and all forms
of politics. It is important to emphasize
that this feature is inherent in ethics differs
it from political ethics. Despite the no-
tion that morality reflects political activ-
ity in this or other forms it stands outside
of this activity. Ethics, on the contrary, is
involved in politics; it is characterized as
one of the key events that trigger its di-
recting. In this sense, ethics and politics
are inseparable. As social phenomena, the
ethics and politics have general and spe-
cific features. The two spiritual sphere of
social life is formed from the same source.
Individualism, collectivism, special quali-
Baku State University
Associate professor of the department of the Political Science and Sociology
UOT: 32:1
In the presented article the conceptions of moral and policy are explained, their
mutual connection is enlightened, much attention is paid for difference between moral
and policy and also general features of these spiritual phenomena are investigated. The
essence of ethical and political values in formation of personality’s political and ethical
life and wholly the role of these values in the development of society are analyzed in the
given article as well.
Keywords: policy, moral, benefit, value, political activity, ethically ideal
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Afandiyev Madjid
ties inherent to humans, as well as cross-
communication with others preconditions
the moral and political unity [1, 236].
Ethics and politics are consistent with
each other in the main public functions.
Natural-historical “relationship” of ethics
and politics is not accidental. Politics and
morality are social justice-oriented events.
Politics arises when the moral cannot reg-
ulate enough the behavior of people, and
their relationship. Policy is the completion
of morality in a specific form [2.41].
Although morality and politics have
the same characteristics, they differ from
each other in principle. The main feature
distinguishing morality and politics is
the conflicting nature of politics. Moral-
ity characterizes everyday individual rela-
tions among people. The conflict feature of
ethics is noticeable in specific situations of
conflict noticeable. Economical and other
important interests acts as the main source
of politics. The source of morality is uni-
versal and collective values.
While ethical imperatives are of ab-
stract-normative character, ethical require-
ments are of concrete character. Politics
is directed towards meeting the goals set
by various means [3,15-17]. The results
obtained are of major importance for poli-
tics, but morality characterized by behav-
ior itself, the means and objectives which
pushed it further. Morality always wears
personal nature and his subjects are name-
ly individuals. Politics, in contrast, wears
collective character. The distinguishing
feature of politics is to count on power,
preference of coercion. M.Weber writes:
“Politics is characterized by the specific
instrument which is use of violence by
means of authority” [4,694]. Principally
morality condemns violence and is based
on the “verdict” of the conscience. Con-
science is not only a moral category, as
well as social quality. [4,694].
The essence of conscience finds its ex-
pression in that it adjusts human behavior
to the demands of public debt, moral ide-
al, regulates its activities and movements
based on the internal self-assessment.
Conscience is a deeply intimate feeling,
which expresses ethical responsibility of
personality before others and the whole
society. More accurate assessment of the
concept of conscience was said by one of
the ancient wise men: “I do not know more
terrifying law-court than the quiet sound of
my personal conscience.” Conscience em-
bodies certain aspects of the ideals of the
spiritual life of society.
In political literature based on the his-
tory of the political and ethical trainings
three main features of the relationship be-
tween ethics and politics are investigated:
1) the subjugation of ethics to politics; 2)
existence of a complete separation between
politics and ethics; 3) Attempt to preserve
intensive mutual relations between politics
and ethics (5,185]. Faireness of discretion
and actions is tradinionally acknowledged
as one of the the most important criterion
of the morality.
Morality and politics are autono-
mous in relation to each other. Moral exi-
gency on humans do not envisage getting
of any special and close results in certain
situation. Ethical exigency, first of all, ex-
presses observance of all the norms and
principles of behavior. Practical results of
the behavior may differ depending on the
random circumstances . Implementation of
all kind of moral norms on general-social