(i) Impoverished Leadership Style (1.1) Concerned neither production nor people.
(ii) Country club leadership style (1.9) is concerned for people and only incidentally with production.
(iii) Task Leadership Style (9.1) Primarily concerned about the task or production.
(iv) Team Leadership style (9.9) Extreemely concerned about the task and also the people.
(v) Middle of the road leadership style (5.5) reflects a middle ground positions and is called as
middle of the Road Management Leader.
17.7.3 Group and Exchange Theory of Leadership: This approach is based on social psychology.
This theory says that leadership is an interpersonal influence. It is a positive exchange between the
leader and followers in order achieve group objectives. It is a two-way influence relationship. It indicates
that subordinates affect leaders and their behaviours as much as leaders and their behaviours affect
According to this leadership is an exchange process between the leader and followers.
Hollander and Julian state “The very sustenance of leadership depends upon some yilding to influence on
both sides”.
17.7.4 Situational Theory of Leadership Features of Situational Theory: a. Situation greatly influences leadership behaviour.
b. Defines leadership as a process of influence.
c. Leader emerges out of the situations.
d. It examines the interplay among three components of leadership the leader, the follower, and the
e. It require the leader to behave in a flexible manner.
f. Effectiveness in leadership roles cna be increased through education and training.
g. Leader behaviour varies from one situation to other.
Factors that determine the effective style of Leadership: a. Leader Characteristic: These include the leader’s personality, needs, past experience, expectations
and motivation.