anniversary of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev
SMART SHOES FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSON Ramil Khalilli, Elkhan Ahmadov Baku Higher Oil School Baku, Azerbaijan Supervisor: Ph.D, Assoc. Prof. Leyla Muradkhanli Keywords : Ultra Sonic Distance Sensor, Arduino Nano, Piezoelectric Plate, water sensor,
Bluetooth Module, Arduino Software.
Abstract One of the most important and necessary ability of human being is
vision. Vision is provided through eyes and enables us to interact with outside
world. But unfortunately, there are certain people who are deprived of this
blessing – visually impaired people. As they cannot see, the certain troubles
and limitations are inevitable for them. Walking is one of the most obvious
activity during which visually impaired people face troubles such as colliding
with obstacles on their way.
Introduction However, we can design a smart shoe which helps them to move
comfortably in public places, to be more precise, these smart shoes will be
able to detect the obstacles nearby with the help of special sensors and will
warn the person with certain signals to prevent the collision.
Methodology Above all, we aim to design a system which is functioning in high accuracy
and precision, which has sufficiently fast response during its operation and
which is user-friendly, of course. After designing, we expect a device which will
provide visually impaired person with distraction-free travel and easy interface
with the device. Now, the comprehensive information about the components
of our smart shoe will be given below. First and definitely the most necessary
component of our device is Ultra Sonic Distance Sensor as we aim to detect
the obstacles according to distance between the person’s foot and the
obstacle. Ultra Sonic Distance Sensor, as its name suggests, is used
to measure the distance
regardless of its shape, color or surface texture, and
will use it in order to achieve detection of an approaching object.
The working principle of Ultra Sonic Distance Sensors is like following:
the sensor sends a sound wave at a frequency above the range of human
hearing, when the wave comes across the obstacle in a distance up to 30
cm, it is reflected back to the sensor. According to the time taken for a wave
to travel this distance and come back, the sensor determines the distance
between the shoe and an obstacle. If the distance is less than the threshold