‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive
and believe, it can achieve.’
trying to manifest your goals, it’s important to keep a high vibration.
Feelings are returned on a like-for-like basis, so it’s crucial for you to master
everything you’ve learned in the previous sections of this book.
However, without doubt, your beliefs are
fundamental when it comes to
manifestation. If you don’t believe in something, you’ll rarely see it in your
life. So let’s spend some time exploring the importance of our beliefs and
how they affect our reality.
The importance of positive thinking
Positive thinking is the act of choosing ideas
that empower you over those that limit you.
I’m certain that a positive mind gives you a positive life. Let’s
just analyse
that statement from a purely logical angle, without any mystic correlations. If
you view something as negative, how can it also be positive at the same time?
Therefore, how can one ever evaluate life as being positive, from a negative
sense of perception?
A positive mind is greater than a negative mind. Positive thinking is the act of
choosing thoughts and actions that support us rather than hinder us, and it
brings the best outcome in any situation.
For example, a cricket batsman needs six runs
to win a game from the last
ball. If he’s fearful and believes he can’t hit a six to win the game, he
probably won’t attempt it, so he won’t manage it.
However, if he picks an empowering thought such as
I can hit this six
, he’ll
try, and have a chance of succeeding. Either way, the batsman can be bowled
out – but the mindset is different. The
empowering thought creates a
possibility, while the limiting thought eradicates his chances.
A negative thought such as
You can’t do it
, will discourage you from taking
steps towards achieving a goal. Obviously, you’re then less likely to achieve
the goal.
A positive thought such as
You can do it
, will allow you to try – giving you a
greater chance of achieving your goal.
One thought restricts you, while the other
moves you closer to what you
Believing that something is impossible means you’re too focused on the
barriers to success. I remember a child telling me that he couldn’t play top-
level football and therefore wanted to give up on his dream. He had no reason
to believe in it because he looked at his life and saw the task as unrealistic; it
seemed impossible from where he stood.
His friend was at a similar skill level but had a completely opposite attitude.
When I asked the more optimistic youngster why he believed he could reach
top level, he told me about other footballers and their success stories. He saw
the task as realistic because his focus was on possibility, not impossibility.
I do this all the time to give myself hope and to change my perspective.
I had no home, a lot of the things I’ve since achieved might have
seemed unrealistic. But I was inspired by people who’d
had tough starts in
life yet gone on to achieve incredible things. I said to myself, ‘If they can do
it, why can’t I?’ I ended up changing my focus to what
be done, rather
than what
be done. Every great accomplishment in the world has
grown from the idea that it’s possible.
Every single one of your thoughts is either helping you move forward in life
or holding you back. Positive thinking is about favouring the one that moves
you forward. And it’s never too late to change
your thoughts and reshape
your beliefs to support, rather than hinder, yourself.
You can’t move forward with