1 republic of uzbekistan ministry of higher and secondary specialised education

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language exists in the process of thought and
( F.F.Fortunatov, 
1900) . This approach to the analysis of the structure of the Uzbek 
language gave the chance of defining similarities , distinctions , and 
linguistic universals existed in the structures of the English and Uzbek 
languages. Here it is reasonable to note prof. Khamid G. Nigmatov’s 
(Doctor of Philological Sciences, the founder of the Uzbek substantial 
linguistics, linguist-philosopher and linguodidact) 
contribution in the 
development of comparing Uzbek and foreign languages on the basis 
of cognitive-pragmatic (inductive) method
The new interpretations having been created in linguistics for the 
years of independence presented the possibility of analysing and 
comparing the structures of the English and Uzbek languages on the 
basis of the typological theory chosen by the authors in this book, as 
the typological theory is not limited and can be chosen by the typologist. 

The book is useful for the teachers of the English language and it 
is necessary to note that comparative typology is the key factor of 
success to learn foreign languages. Prof. Jamol Jalolov, theoretical 
founder of comparative methodology of teaching foreign languages, 
famous linguodidact who is using cognitive approach to teaching 
foreign languages says that
methodology of teaching foreign 
languages and comparative typology are connected with each other 
and interdependent on each other
. Questions of teaching a foreign 
language are the object of study for many sciences , including for 
comparative typology as well. Comparative typology deals with
problems of bilingualism, interference, convergence and divergence. 
The use of comparative typology as an applied discipline can be 
carried out through methodology of teaching foreign languages. When 
comparing systems of languages , typology determines the systemic
features of each language. The methodology requires conclusions of a 
comparative typology when explaining certain categories. 
Comparative typology associates with methodology in the process of 
identifying interfering means. As the interference is a mixture of the 
differencial features of the native and target languages. The students’ 
native language , which they have spoken since childhood , can not 
but influence the system of a foreign language , which they begin to 
learn. At the same time , the interlanguage analogy plays a big role.
Learning a foreign language proceeding from the native language
has a positive and negative impact on the learning process. The 
positive impact is that knowledge and skills in the field of the mother 
tongue can serve as a basis for the analogy. The negative impact is in 
the interference of the native language in the course of learning a 
foreign language as in the study of a foreign language , the system of 
the native language serves as a kind of language substrate that can not 
but influence the foreign language being studied. 
Taking into consideration ideas interpreted above , the authors of 
the book demonstrated phonetic, phonological, phonomorphological, 
syntactical, lexical similarities and distinctions in the structures of the 
English and Uzbek languages , similarities and distinctions on the 
sentence level as well. 
The book performs the task of comparison which presupposes the 
elimination of the pressure of non-identical means of expressing the 
native language on a foreign language system concerning all levels of 

the language. Proceeding from the functional-systemic approach the 
authors of the book demonstrated the linguistic universals:
1) existence of the rich system of prepositions which supposes the 
existence of the rich system of prefixes in English;
2) existence of the rich system of suffixes which supposes the 
existence of the rich system of pospositions in Uzbek;
3) presence of articles in English and the absence of these language 
units in Uzbek;
4) existence of the category of case in nouns, in pronouns , in 
substantivized adjectives, in numerals, in participles, in harakat nomi ( 
infinitive); besides the usage of case forms in the formation of adverbs 
in Uzbek;
5) existence of only two case forms in nouns and the absence of 
case category in other parts of speech and in verbals as well in English;
6) existence of the category of possession in Uzbek nouns;
7) absence of the category of possession in English nouns;
8) free word order in the sentence of the Uzbek language;
9) fixed word order in the sentence of the English language and so 
on. These peculiarities concerning compared languages are 
demonstrated both in the theoretical and practical ( for seminars) parts 
of the book.
Complex of activities for the consolidation of both the theoretical 
and practical (seminar) materials are given in Independent Study item.
Tests , questions for mid- and final terms , glossary and contributions 
made by outstanding scientists, linguists and linguodidacts in the field 
of linguistics, linguistic typology and comparative typology are given 
for the Independent Study item as well . 

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