Difference to system closeness. It means that language under
comparison should belong to the same structural type.
Difference to the genetic closeness. It means that only
genetically related languages can be compared.
Areal non-limitation of languages.
Quantitatively languages are limited by a certain genetic
group of a family of languages.
For genetically closely related languages both deep and
surface identity and also etic-emic identity are characteristic.
While etic-emic identity is possible, but not obligatory,
content approach is not used. The traditional approach from form to
meaning is basically used.
The etalon language is limited by certain category of
linguistic phenomenon. Typological operation is completed in case
when the languages belonging to the same genetic group or family are
analysed by the same etalon language.
Genetic typology may be of two types: l)
genetic diachronic
; 2)
Diachronic approach deals with the comparison of genetically
related languages within the definite period of time or in the cause of
its development. For example, it can compare the development of
morphological categories of the noun in English and in German starting
with the ancient period up to nowadays.
Genetic synchronic typology deals with the comparison of
genetically related languages within a certain synchronic period.
Genetic typology started in the 20
century when historical-
comparative linguistics appeared and developed. We can mention such
scholars as brothers Grimm Jacob, August Schleicher, Rasmus Rask,
Franz Bopp. They dealt with the reconstruction of languages and
discovered laws and regularities for many Indo-European languages.
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