C2 Reviewing the final 2D and 3D digital graphics products Evaluating the effectiveness of the solutions that have been developed, with
reference to:
how far the solution meets the client’s requirements (brief), including audience
and purpose
quality of digital graphics, e.g. scale, design principles including: composition,
balance, emphasis, contrast
local legal and ethical constraints
technical constraints, e.g. file formats and model constraints, including:
polygon count and texture size
strengths and weaknesses
optimising digital graphics, e.g. removing surplus geometry and triangulation,
bit depth, resolution, dimensions, compression
how the digital graphic products could be improved to better meet the needs of
the user and fulfil the identified needs.
C3 Professional behaviours The skills, knowledge and behaviours required when implementing digital graphics
Planning and recording opportunities for skills, knowledge and behaviours
development, including the setting of relevant targets with timescales,
and how and when feedback from others will be gathered.
Reviewing and responding to the outcomes of own skills, knowledge and
behaviours development, including the use of feedback from others.
Own behaviours and their impact on outcomes, to include professionalism,
etiquette, supportive of others, timely and appropriate leadership,
accountability and individual responsibility.
Evaluating targets set for skills, knowledge and behaviour development to
obtain insights into own performance.