Poster presentation
Sh.M. Agloxodjayeva
, A.D. Toshpolatova
, S.Z. Nishanbaev
1) S.Yu. Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Academy of sciences of
the Republic of Uzbekistan st. Mirzo-Ulugbek, 77, 100170 Tashkent,
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute,
Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
is a fast, easy to use and versatile separation
method suitable for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. It is ideal for rapid
of mixture components, sample screening and reaction monitoring. The high
tolerance to different types of sample matrices and the ability to separate multiple
samples in parallel guarantee the high economics of the TLC method.
Development of a method for determining the authenticity of escin in the Essilar
preparation by TLC.
The object of our study is the preparation "Essilar" solution for infusions, produced
by Temur Med Farm LLC, Uzbekistan, is an original combined composition, the active
ingredients of which are l-arginine hydrochloride and escin, used as an antiemetic. TLC
was used to determine authenticity. On the start line of
the chromatographic plate
"Merck", "Silicagel 60 F
" with a layer thickness of 0.25 mm, size (10
20 cm), apply
25 μl of the test solution and 25 μl of a solution of escin standart solution. The plate is
dried in air for 10 min, placed in a chamber with a mixture of solvents: glacial acetic
acid - water – n-butanol (1:1:2) and chromatographed in an ascending manner. When
the solvent front passes about 10 cm from the start line, the plate is removed from the
chamber and dried in air for 20 min. Chromatograms are sprayed with a solution of 70%
sulfuric acid and kept in an oven at a temperature of 130
C to 135
C for 5 minutes. A
violet-brown spot should appear on the chromatogram of the test solution at the level of
the spot on the chromatogram of the reference solution.
Preparation of the test solution. 10 ml of the drug solution is placed in a 50 ml round-
bottom flask with a stopper, which
has a capillary for air inflow, and the solvent is
distilled off to a dry residue in a boiling water bath under vacuum. The dry residue is
dissolved in 0.5 ml of methanol.
Preparation of working standard solution (WRS) of escin. 180 mg of escin (Eur. Ph.,
Br. Ph., Ph. USA., Chin. Ph.), in terms of 100% substance, are dissolved in methanol,
the volume of the solution is adjusted with the same solvent to 10 ml and stirred. 1 ml of
the resulting solution is placed in a 10 ml volumetric
flask and the volume of the
solution is adjusted to the mark with methanol.
A solution of 70% sulfuric acid. To 20 ml of purified water, carefully, with stirring,
add 30 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid.
A technique for determining the authenticity of escin in the preparation "Essilar" by
TLC has been developed. Authentication results in a purplish-brown spot at the level of
the reference solution spot.
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