Author's personal copy
examples of big firms), it remains to be seen whether this
success will last. As the entire approach is still a ‘work-in-
progress’, the solid, scientific proof will be examined at a
later point in time. Moreover, results can be dependent on
specifics of the software industry. Hence, since the research
is based on a single case, conclusions must be seen against
this background and can only be drawn within the
introduced branch (
Siggelkow, 2007
). By conducting
multiple-case-research, more similarities and therefore,
regularities, could be identified for further generalization.
Finally, a sampling of extreme cases (e.g., very high and
very low performances) could improve the observation and
validation of contrasting patterns in the data as well
Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007
However, any transition towards a long-term innovation
strategy takes at least several years, because of the energy
which is necessary even before such a transition can be
triggered (
Hope Hailey, 2001
). Technology managers may
use the results as a conceptual mirror, especially regarding
the influencing factors of relevant problems (such as
corporate interests, technology-competence, market-need,
and regulatory push) and the use of interdisciplinary teams
with people from inside and outside the company. Still, for
companies working in the software industry, this frame-
work can be used as a guideline or benchmark for their idea
and innovation management. The advanced front end
innovation approach, in particular, shows all critical
components of a corporate idea and innovation manage-
ment which are to be considered.
Future research should focus on the exact integration of
regulatory push within the innovation process and within
the context of market pull and technology push. On the
workshop level, further research is needed to get a deeper
insight into the right mix of internal and external experts,
as well as the according selection procedures for the ‘right’
people. Finally, the introduced results are limited to the
software industry; therefore further research in other
branches and industry is suggested.
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