Samarkand branch of Tashkent State
Agrarian University
Volume 4 | SamTSAU Conference | 2023
Theoretical and practical foundations of
introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O‘zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xo‘jaligini joriy
etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
May 12-13 International Scientific and Practical Conference
integratsiyalashuv tendensiyasidan ortda qolishni istamagan har bir jamiyat “
texnologik” taraqqiyotiga hamohang borishi talab etilmoqda.
1. Ettinger. M. (2021). Digitale Technologien. Der Orthopäde, 50 (10), 785-788.
2. DiGironimo, N. (2011). What is technology? Investigating
student conceptions
about the nature of technology. International Journal of Science Education, 33(10),
Carlsson, B. (2004). The Digital Economy: what is new and what is
not?. Structural change
and economic dynamics, 15(3), 245-264.
4. Waterton, E. (2010). The advent of digital technologies
and the idea of
community. Museum Management and Curatorship, 25(1), 5-11.
5. Larson, L., Miller, T., & Ribble, M. (2010). 5 Considerations for Digital Age
Leaders: What Principals and District Administrators
Need to Know about Tech
Integration Today. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(4), 12-15.
6. Hilbert, M. (2022). Digital technology and social change: the digital transformation
of society from a historical perspective. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience.
7. Acs, Z. J., Song, A. K., Szerb, L., Audretsch, D. B., & Komlosi, E. (2021). The
evolution of the global digital platform economy: 1971–2021. Small
Economics, 57, 1629-1659.
8. Xoshimova, D., & Parpieva, R. (2020). Zamonaviy ta‟limda raqamli
texnologiyalardan foydalanish istiqbollari. Iqtisodiyot va innovatsion texnologiyalar,
(1), 157-162.