PACS 61.46 Df
A.S. Ahadova
Institute of Radiation Problems of Azerbaijan National
Academy of Sciences
In this work the ESR method has been applied to determine the age of tooth enamel found in
Yardimli archeological site in Azerbaijan. ESR signal intensity of paramagnetic center identified in
fossil tooth shows linear dependency with the adsorbed dose. The ages of the samples was determi-
ned as 4775±664 years (Kurgan-2) and 5356±199 years (Kurgan-1).
ESR dating, tooth enamel, ROSY software, archaeology, Yardimli.
Electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis is one of the alternative methods on dating of ancient
artifactsand based on the fact that natural ionizing irradiation produces paramagnetic centers in so-
me materials, particularly in tooth enamel with the long mean life. Those centers
are stable at the
temperatures below 100 ºC and might be considered as a measure of the total irradiation dose to
which a particular sample has been exposed. This effect has been used with tooth enamel for deter-
mining the age of archeological sites [1-4]. In this work the same method has been applied to deter-
mine the age of human tooth enamel found in Komani (Kurgan-2), Yardimli archeological site.
Figure 1 shows the ESR spectra for the enamel sample from the tooth found Yardimli district
of Azerbaijan. The enamel was initially removed from teeth using a dental drill and water cooling.
The 2 mm mean thickness enamel was then placed in a 30% NaOH solution for one day to disinfect
it and separate any remaining dentine.A dental drill was used to strip around 50±5 µm from inside
and outside of the enamel surface to ensure that alpha radiation had no effect. In total 1.2 gr. enamel
was collected and it was air-dried at room temperature for three days.Six equal aliquots of enamel
have been irradiated at the
Co source with the dose ranging from 39.3 to 196.5Gy.
The intensity of the ESR signal measured according to conventional peak to peak height met-
hod which shows a linear dependency (Fig.2) from the absorbed dose. The archaeological dose (D
obtained by the extrapolation back to zero ordinate was 7.34 Gy.
EPR signal was calculated by conventional peak to peak height method.
In order to estimate the natural dose rate soil samples were collected from the site and U, Th,
and K content analysis by gamma spectrometry Canberra GR4520 which has a low-level gamma
spectrometry system with 15 cm lead shielding and high-resolution
GeHP hyper pure germanium
detector, having 43.5% resolution efficiency for 661.6 keV.ROSY software [5] was used for calcu-
lating the enamel sample’s age. Table 1 illustrates the breakdown of the calculated dose rates:
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