Times New Roman ,
not less than 10 pages , with gaps at the edges (left 30 mm, right 15 mm, 25 mm from the
top and bottom 20 mm). Articles should be sent official e-mail address of the journal
(yadulla.hasanli@unec.edu.az; elmixeberler2018@gmail.com). 3.
Article shall not be less than 10 pages , including: keywords (in Azerbaijani, English
and Russian), abstracts (Azeri, English and Russian), record, main part, conclusions, re-
ferences, applications, graphics and tables.
Abstract of the article should be appropriate to its content.
The first page should include (i) the title of the article; (ii) the name(s) of the author(s);
(iii) institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s); (iv) an abstract of not more than 200-250 words
in English (text of abstracts must be consist of sections of “purpose”,
“design/methodology/approach”, “findings”, “research limitations/ implications”, “practical
implycations” and “originality/value”); (v) keywords must not be more than 5 words; (vi) JEL
codes. The name, address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers and academically sphere of
interest of the author(s) should be indicated on a separate page.
The article should contain links to scientific sources. Provided later in the article refe-
rences must be numbered not in alphabetical order, and in a sequence that occurs in the text
link literature and denoted as [1] or [1, p 119]. If the text is repeated reference to the same
literature, the other in the text, this refers literature should be given the previous number. In
the list of references should be given priority monographs, etc. the last 5-10 years.
Articles recommended or submitted for publication by the editor or one of the specialist
members of the Editorial Board after reviewing secret reviewed.