Q179. Explain about the one food you can’t live without.
A. Sample Answer
This question makes me hungry just thinking of the one food I can’t live without, which is any
type of noodle. I love noodles of varieties. They can be spaghetti, rice, buckwheat,
or even sweet
potato noodles. Eating noodles is fun because you have to figure out how to pick them up with an
eating utensil. Most people use forks, but in some countries they use chopsticks, which adds an even
further challenge to this slippery food items. My favorite noodles are the clear sweet potato noodles
that are made in Korea. They are sweet and very healthy. Also, I love
that you can prepare the
noodles in a variety of different ways. You can add tomato sauce, hot sauce, cheese sauce, and many
other sauces. Because of this, I never get bored of eating noodles. Three hundred sixty five days a
year I could eat a different type of noodle combined with a different type of sauce, and I’d never
repeat it. Since I would never tire of eating noodles and they are fun to eat, I just couldn’t survive
without some form of noodles.
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