Water resources management in Central Asia: security implications and prospects for regional cooperation Anar Khamzayeva PhD Candidate at LUISS “Guido Carli” University (Rome, Italy)
Abstract The purpose of this article is to give a general overview of the security implications
and regional cooperation initiatives on water resources management in Central Asia.
The text begins by examining the legal framework for inter-state relations on water
resources management in the region, and then reviews the water management system
established by the USSR between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
Turkmenistan, and its implementation for tackling the current conflicts. The post-
1991 international agreements are also analysed, together with long-term mechanisms
for water-sharing based on inter-state dialogue.
The article also reviews some of the projected international water infrastructure and
management plans with security implications in the region, such as: the Golden
Century Lake in the Kara-Kum desert in Turkmenistan; The Rogun and Sangtuda
dam and hydroplant projects in Tajikistan; the Kambarata hyproplant projects in
Kyrgyzstan; the projected increase of water use demand from the Amu-Darya by
Afghanistan, and the plan for diverting the Irtych and Ob rivers to the Aral Sea in
Prospects for regional cooperation include: the establishing of legal mechanisms
on water resources management in Central Asia based on international water law
principles, assistance and support from international agencies and donors, and an
integrated basic social, economic and environmental approach.
The author concludes by acknowledging that water interdependence is a factor of
major concern in Central Asia, and that concerted action by all regional states should
be the way to solve water management problems.
Anar Khamzayeva
Documentos CIDOB, Asia
Water resources management in Central Asia