JELTE: Journal of English Language Teaching and Education
Vol.2 No.1 2021 E-ISSN: ISSN: 2746-5012 as technical problem (formatting issue, tool upgrading, etc), the students lack of skill,
difficult to understand peers’ comment, and difficult to control peers’ contribution.
Discussion The result conveyed that the journals have similarities result. The fifth journals talked
about the communication between teacher and students, students motivation during writing
activity using google docs, and students perception on google docs in writing class. More
specific, all of the journals worked collaboratively and worked in pair or group. From the
finding of this research, the students and teacher communicated by comment section or
chatting. According to Vens (2010:57), the one communication tool conspicuously absent
from the Google Documents collaborative writing environment is chat. Chat can provide
team members immediate feedback and greater social presence (Holmes & Gardner, 2006;
cited in Vens 2010:57). It means that helped the students to clear the writing activity and
make them feel free shared their ideas. In addition, students motivation increased by
communication especially giving feedback from the teacher, pair or classmates.
In generally, all of the journals talked about the succesful of google docs in the
classroom. Even though, it showed students problem while using google docs such as
technical problem and internet error. For technical problem it difficult to work and made
students deleted the document. Even though the students can utilize google docs, they can
not use it if the internet connection is bad or internet error. Although, google docs can work
without internet, but better use it with internet. At the end the students could handle it and
have positive responses of google docs. It means, the research of use google docs in writing
were successed. The students successed utilized and took advantage google docs to improve
their writing skill. Beside that the teacher’ role also important in helping students during
writing process.
On the other hand, each studies had differences procedures. In doing the procedures
created to know the students writing process and the achievment of writing used google docs.
In the first study ‘Impact on Students Motivation of Integrating Google Docs within a
Remedial English Writing Class’, it did not explained the procedure to the students used
google docs in writing. The study only showed the interviewed question and the result.
Second study ‘Exploring the potential of Google Doc in Facilitating Innovative Teaching
and Learning Practice in an EFL Writing Course’, it showed complete steps and also put the
way the students and teacher used google docs to help them in writing activity. Third,