JELTE: Journal of English Language Teaching and Education
Vol.2 No.1 2021 E-ISSN: ISSN: 2746-5012 ‘Exploring Writing Individually and Colaboratively Using Google Docs in EFL Contexts’,
this study showed the result of google docs in writing individually and collaboratively. At
the end, both of types work were success, but form the result writing collaboratively more
high than individually. Fourth, ‘Google Docs in an Out-of-Class Collaborative Writing
Activity’, from the explanation of this study showed that writing used and did not use google
docs had different achievement. This study gave two kind of questionnaire. Fifth, ‘A Mixed
Methods Analysis of the Effect of Google Docs Environment on EFL Learners’ Writing
Performance and Casual Attribute for Success and Failure’ for this study, it showed that
between quantitaive study and qualitative study had different procedures. To carry out the
quantitative study, the researchers used IELTS writing test and gave a treatment for five
month. For qualitative study, the researcher interviewed the students (n=20).
Furthermore, before using google docs the teacher should be socialize about the tool,
function and feaures of google docs. As stated by Calkins (1994; 2006) cited in Yim et al (2010) that there were no specific rules or guidelines for using Google Docs in their
instructions, .....The teacher also should be explained ‘how to use google docs’ to the
students clearly. This means to make them undertand how to use google docs without any
problem. In the other hand, to help them work easier and save the time.
CONCLUSSION In searching the journals, the researcher used search engine, those were google
schoolar, researchgate, and Eric. The journals from different countries, and used qualitative
and mix method. The search strategy yields twelve journals. Those journals were selected
by hand searching and exclusion inclusion criteria. To review the journals, the researcher
utilized thematic analysis that have six phase as a guidance and analyzed it one by one.
This study have been review five journals in the same topic where each journal have
themes. From the result, google docs increased students response in positive way, increased
students motivation in writing activity, and influenced students perception. However, the
next researcher and teacher must be considered several things if they want to use google
docs. The researcher suggest that before using this tool, the teacher must be observed
students’ condition and students’ comprehension. While writing process the students needs
teacher supervising.
In addition, the study revealed that the researcher gave the students question to get
the responses of using google docs. They also interviewed the students. Based on the review,