Academic Research in Educational Sciences
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-1385
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723
Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-11-512-517
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Scientific Library of Uzbekistan
Academic Research, Uzbekistan 512
Xasanboy Abdusalomovich Ibragimov
Andijon davlat universiteti Jismoniy madaniyat nazariyasi va metodikasi
kafedrasi katta o‗qituvchisi
Ushbu maqolada jismoniy mashqlarni inson organizmiga
tasiri natijasida
anatomik tomondan o‗zgarishlar ya‘ni suyak –muskul to‗qimalarni vazifaari
rivojlanishi mustaxkamlanishi ularga markaziy nerv sistemasini
tasiri va jismoniy
mashklarni ichki organlar tizim faoliyatiga ijobiy va salbiy tasir etish xususiyatlari
yoritib berilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar: jismoniy , mashq, To‗qima , suyak , muskul, tizim, nerv,
xususiyat, ijobiy, sport, hajmi, mustahkamligi,
faoliyat, tonus, yurak, harakat,
organizm, muntazam, chiniqqan, kuch, funksional.
This article describes the anatomical changes in the human body as a result of
exercise, ie the functions, development and strengthening of bone and muscle tissue,
the effects of the central nervous system on them and the positive and negative
effects of exercise on the internal organs.
Keywords: Exercise, Tissue, bone, muscle, system, nerve, feature, positive,
sport, size,
strength, activity, tone, heart,
movement, organism, regular, hardened,
strength, functional.