to agree on -ga kelish-
The parties could not
agree on the terms of the
Tomonlar shartnoma
shartlariga kelisha ol-
to comment on -ni
He did not comment on this event.
U bu voqeani sharhla-
to congratulate on bi-
lan tabriklamoq
I congratulated him on his success.
Men uni muvaffaqiya-
ti bilan tabrikladim.
to depend on -ga bog‘ -
liq bo‘lmoq
That doesn’t depend on me.
Bu menga bog‘liq
to insist on -ni qattiq
turib ma’qullamoq, talab
qilib turib olmoq, ba-
jartirmoq, qildirmoq
I insist on your present.
Men sizning hozir
bo‘lishingizni talab qi-
to rely on -ga ishon-
moq, -ga suyanmoq
You may rely on that.
Bunga ishonishingiz
to spend on -ga sarf -
He spent most of his
money on books.
U pulining ko‘p qis-
mini kitoblarga sarf-
to call on -ga kirib
I shall call on him to-
Men ertaga unikiga
kirib chiqaman.
to carry on (ishni) olib
bormoq, yuritmoq
They are carrying on ne-
gotiations for the sale of
Ular bug‘doy sotib
olish haqida muzoka-
ralar olib borishyap-
to get on yurishmoq,
chiqishmoq, murosa
How are you getting on?
They get on very well
Ishlaringiz yaxshimi?
Ular bir-birlari bilan yax-
shi murosa qili shadi (chi-
to go on davom ettir -
Go on working!
Ishni davom ettiring!
to look on -ni to-
mosha qilmoq, -ni
kuzatmoq, -ga qa rab
He was not helping; he
was only looking on.
U yordam bergani yo‘q;
faqat tomosha qilib tur-
gan edi.
to put on -ni kiymoq
Put your coat on! Paltoyingizni kiying!
7. - on bilan kelgan iboralar:
on the initiative of -ning tashabbusi
and so on va hokazo
on an (the) average o‘rtacha
on land quruqlikda
on the part of -ning tomonidan
on behalf of -ning nomidan
on the right (left) hand side o‘ng
(chap) qo‘l tarafda
on purpose atayin, ataylab,
jo‘rt taga, qasddan
on the contrary aksincha
on business ish (xizmat) bilan
on the invitation of -ning taklifi
on codition that sharti bilan
on board a (the) ship kema bortida
on sale sotuvda
on a large scale katta hajmda
on credit kreditga, qarzga
on the way yo‘lda, borishda
on demand talabi bilan
on the ground that asosda
on foot piyoda
on the whole umuman
on sea dengizda
on the advice (suggetion) of -ning
maslahati (taklifi ) bilan
on the one (other) hand bir
(boshqa) tomonda(n)
later on keyinchalik, keyinroq
OUT OF 1. -dan(ichkaridan tashqariga chiqishni, harakatni bildiradi, anto-
nimi into). He walked out of the house.
U uydan chiqdi.
He took the letter out of his poc-
U xatni cho‘ntagidan oldi.
He ran out of the house.
U uydan yugurib chiqdi.
2. -siz bo‘lmoq, biror narsasi tugab qolmoq(out of + noun = to lack, to be without): Maria went to the store
because she was out of milk.
Mariya do‘konga bordi chunki
uning suti tugagan edi.
3. out ravish bo‘lib kelib, harakat fe’llari bilan keladi va ichkaridan
tashqariga harakatni ifodalaydi. Masalan: to come (go, get, walk) out chiq- moq, to run out yugurib chiqmoq, to fl y out uchib chiqmoq, to jump out sakrab chiqmoq, to take out chiqarmoq, to pull out tortib chiqarmoq,
He went out without
saying a word.
U bir so‘z demasdan chiqib ketdi.
Ammo: He opened the door and
ran out in great excitement.
U eshikni ochdi va kuchli hayajon
ichida yugurib chiqdi.
He went out of the room.
U xonadan chiqdi.
Ammo: He ran out of the house.
U uydan yugurib chiqdi.
4. outbilan kelgan birikmalar:
to be out uyda (ish
joyi da) bo‘lmaslik
Olim Salimov is out.
Olim Salimov uyda (ish-
da) emas.
to check out (bor- row books, etc., kutub xonadan kitob
I went to the library and
checked out thirty books
from a library last night
for my research work.
Men kecha kutub xonaga
bordim va il
miy ishim
uchun o‘ttizta kitob ol-
to check out (inves- tigate) tekshirmoq,
ko‘rib bermoq
This photocopy machine
is not working properly.
Could you check out the
Bu nusxa ko‘chirish
mashinasi yaxshi ish-
lamayapti. Bu muam moni
ko‘rib bera olasizmi?
to check out of hisob-kitob qilmoq
We were told that we had
to check out of the hotel
before one o’clock, or else
we would have to pay for
another day.
Bizga mehmonxona
soat birgacha jo‘ nashimiz
kerakligini aytishdi, aks
holda yana bir kunga haq
to‘lashga majbur bo‘
to drop out of tash-
lamoq, -dan chiqmoq
This organization has
done a great deal to pre-
vent young people from
dropping out of school.
Bu tashkilot yoshlarni
maktabni tashlab ketish-
larining oldini olish
uchun ko‘p ish qildi.
to fi gure out hal qil-
moq, tushunmoq
After failing to fi gure out his income tax re-
turn, Hal decided to see
an accountant.
Hal o‘zining daromad
solig‘ini hisoblab chi-
qara olmagach, hi sobchi
bilan uchra shishga qaror
to fi nd out bilmoq,
oydinlashtirmoq, aniq -
I’ll try to fi nd out his ad-
Men uning manzilini bi-
lishga harakat qilaman.
to make out tushun-
I can’t make out the
meaning of this word.
Men bu so‘zning ma’-
nosini tushuna olmayap-
to pass out (hand out) tarqatmoq
The political candidate
passed out campaign lit-
erature to her cowor kers.
Siyosiy nomzod say-
lov kompaniyasi kitob-
chalarini o‘zining targ‘i-
botchilariga tarqatdi.
to pass out hushidan
The intense heat in the
garden caused Maria to pass out.
Bog‘dagi kuchli issiq
Marianing hushidan ke-
tishiga sabab bo‘ldi.
to point out ko‘rsatib
We pointed out in our
letter that the time of de-
livery of the goods has
Biz xatimizda mol (to-
var) larni yetkazib ber-
ish vaqti o‘tgan
ko‘rsatib o‘tdik.
to set out jo‘namoq,
yo‘lga tushmoq
They set out early in the
Ular ertalab vaqtli yo‘lga
to try out sinab
General Mills asked us to try out their new prod-
General Millz bizdan
o‘zlarining yangi mahsu-
lotlarini sinab ko‘rishni
to watch out for ehti-
yot bo‘lmoq
While driving through
that development, we
had to watch out for the
little children pla ying in
the street.
Yangi qurilish bo‘y
mashina haydab bo-
rar ekanmiz, ko‘
o‘ynab yurgan kichki-
na bolalardan ehtiyot
bo‘lishimizga to‘g‘ri
to work out ishlab
They worked out a new
Ular yangi reja ishlab
5. out of bilan kelgan iboralar:
out of danger havfsiz, havfdan xoli out of pity (envy) rahmi (havasi)
out of date eski
out of doors tashqarida
out of order buzuq
out of necessity zarur bo‘lganda
out of use foydalanilmaydigan
out of work ishsiz
out of town shaharda bo‘lmaslik,
safarda bo‘lmoq
out of the question imkoni yo‘q
Mr. Adams cannot see you this week
because he is out of town.
Bu hafta Mr. Adams sizni qabul
qila olmaydi chunki u safarda.
Your request for an extension of
credit is out of the question.
Sizning kreditni cho‘zish haqidagi
iltimosingizni (qondirishning) im-
koni yo‘q.
Out of ichkaridan ma’nosida ishlatiladi, from esa -dan ma’nosida
ishlatiladi. Ikkalasi ham qayerdan? so‘rog‘iga javob bo‘ladi.
He came out of the house.
U uydan chiqdi.
He came from London.
U Londondan keldi.
OUTSIDE 1.tashqarida, tashqariga, tashqarisiga, tashqarisida (antonimi inside):
He was standing outside the door.
U eshikning tashqarisida turgan edi.
He went outside the house to meet
his friend.
U do‘stini kutib olgani uyning
tashqarisiga chiqdi.
2.tashqariga, tashqarida (ravish bo‘lib keladi):
Put these fl owers outside. Bu gullarni tashqariga qo‘ying.
He is waiting for us outside.
U bizni tashqarida kutayapti.
OVER 1. ustida, uzra (antonimi under):
An aeroplane fl ew over the town.
Shahar ustida bir samolyot uchib
A lamp was hanging over the table.
Stol ustida bir chiroq osilib turar edi.
2. ko ‘p, ziyod, oshiq (antonimi under):
There were over a hundred
people at the meeting.
Yig‘lishda yuzdan ziyod kishi bor
The engine weighs over a ton.
Motor bir tonnadan oshiq keladi.
3. ustidan, -dan (oshib): Chkalov was the fi rst pilot
to fl y over the North Pole.
Chkalov shimoliy qutb ustidan uchib
o‘tgan birinchi uchuvchidir.
The boy climbed over the
wall of the garden.
Bola bog‘ devoridan oshib o‘tdi.
4. Ravish bo‘lib keladi va biror narsa yoki masofa ustidan oshib
harakat qilishni bildiradi. Masalan: to climb overtirmashib oshib o‘tmoq,