in case of —
bo‘lganda, yuz bergan-
da; bo‘lsa, holda
In case of fi re ring up 01. Yong‘in
yuz berganda,
01ga qo‘ng‘iroq qiling.
as compared with (in
comparison with) bi-
lan taqqoslaganda
The production of machinery has greatly in-
creased in Russia
as compared with 1980. Ros-
siyada mashinalar ishlab chiqarish 1980-yil bi-
lan solishtirganda ancha o‘sdi.
in conformity with -
ga ko‘ra
You have not executed the order
in conformity
with our instructions.
Siz buyurtmani bizning
ko‘rsatmamizga ko‘ra bajarmagansiz.
in consequence of
-ning natijasida, oqi-
In consequence of this
accedent the motor car
was damaged. Bu falokat (baxtsiz hodisa) nati-
jasida avtomobil shikastlandi.
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