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xorijiy t

in favour of — …ning 
foydasiga, nomiga
The cheque was drawn in favour of the sel-
Chek sotuvchilar foydasiga (nomiga) yozil-
in front of — qarshi-
sida, ro‘parasida
The post offi ce is just in front of our house. 
Pochta idorasi bizning uyimiz ro‘parasida joy-
in spite of — ga qara-
We fi nished the work in time in spite of all diffi -
culties. Hamma qiyinchiliklarga qaramasdan biz 
ishni o‘z vaqtida tugatdik.
instead of — …ning 
Give the red pencil instead of the green one. 
Yashil qalamning o‘rniga menga qizilini be-
on the event of — agar, 
mabodo … sa
In the event of the lecture being postponed due 
notice will be given. Agar leksiya qoldirilsa, bu 
haqda e’lon beriladi.
in view of — sababli, 
boisdan, sharofati bi-
In view of the fact that he was ill I had to do it 
myself. U kasalligi boisdan men bu ishni o‘zim 
bajarishimga to‘g‘ri keldi.
owing to — sababli, 
tufayli, vajdan
We could not get there in time owing to a severe 
storm. Kuchli bo‘ron tufayli biz u yerga o‘z vaq-
tida yetib bora olmadik.
on behalf of, in the 
name of — …ning no-
He signed the contract on behalf of the sel lers. U 
shartnomaga sotuvchi nomidan imzo chekdi.

subject to — bo‘lsa, 
sharti bilan, holda 
We make this offer subject to receiving 
your confirmation by cable. Biz bu taklifni 
siz tele gramma orqali tasdiqlashingiz bilan 
amalga oshiramiz.
thanks to — tufayli, 
sababli, sharofati bilan
Thanks to his help we fi nished our work early. 
Uning yordami sharofati bilan biz ishni erta 

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