tains interesting information on the state of the market of wheat. Biz bug‘doy bozoridagi ahvol
to‘g‘risida qiziqarli axborot be-
radigan xat oldik.
We have chartered two vessels,
which will arrive in Odessa at the end of the month. Biz Odessaga oyning oxirida
yetib keladigan ikkita kema yol-
In the street I met some children,
who showed me the way to the station. Ko‘chada menga stansiyaga
yo‘lni ko‘rsatib qo‘ygan bir
nechta bolalarni uchratdim.
The manager of our offi ce, who is a highly educated man, speaks se-
veral foreign languages.
Ofi s menejeri, yuqori bilimli ki-
shi, bir nechta chet tillarda ga-
3. Ajratuvchi va tasnifl ovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplarni tushirib
qoldirsak mazmun buziladi. Agar — The letter which I received from him yesterday is very important gapidagi that I received from him yesterday ajratuvchi aniqlovchi ergash gapni tushirib qoldirsak, qanday
xat haqida gap ketayotganligi noma’lum bo‘lib qoladi. A letter which is written in pencil is diffi cult to read gapidagi tasnifl ovchi aniqlovchi
ergash gapni olib tashlasak, gapning ma’nosi yo‘qoladi: A letter is dif- fi cult to read. Tasvirlovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplarni gapning ma’nosiga ta’sir
qilmasdan olib tashlash mumkin. We have chartered two vessels, which will arrive in Odessa at the end of the month gapidan ergash gapni olib
tashlasak — We have chartered two vessels, — gapi tugallangan mazmunga
ega bo‘ladi, ergash gap esa faqat qo‘shimcha ma’lumot beradi. Buni alo hida
mustaqil gap bilan berish ham mumkin: They will arrive at the end of the month. 4. Ajratuvchi va tasnifl ovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplar bosh gapdan vergul
bilan ajratilmaydi, tasvirlovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplar odatda bosh gapdan
vergul bilan ajratiladi.
5. Ajratuvchi va tasnifl ovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplarda whom (who
olmoshining obyekt kelishikdagi shakli) va which olmoshlari ko‘pincha