G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

While we were discharging the

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While we were discharging the 
vessel, we discovered a few bags 
damaged by sea water.
Biz kemaning yukini tushirayot ga-
nimizda dengiz suvidan zararlangan 
bir nechta qoplarni uchratdik.
After the agreement had been 
signed, the delegation left London. 
Bitim imzolangandan keyin dele-
gatsiya Londonni tark etdi.
As soon as we received your te-
legram, we instructed our offi ce to 
prepare the goods for shipment.
Biz sizning telegrammangizni oli-
shimiz bilan, ofi simizga mollarni 
yuklashga tayyorlash to‘g‘risida 
ko‘rsatma berdik.
We haven’t had any news from him 
since he left Tashkent.
U Toshkentni tark etganidan bu-
yon, undan biror xabar olganimiz 
I stayed at the custom-house until 
the goods had been examined.
Mollarni tekshirib bo‘lishmagun-
cha men bojxonada turdim.
2. Payt ergash gaplarda kelasi zamon ishlatilmaydi. Simple Future o‘r-
nida Simple Present, Future Continuous o‘rnida Present Continuous, 
Future Perfect o‘rnida Present Perfect ishlatiladi:
The manager will ring you 
up when he comes.
Menejer kelganida sizga qo‘ng‘iroq 

As soon as we receive your tele-
gram, we shall instruct our offi ce to 
prepare the goods for shipment.
Biz sizning telegrammangizni oli-
shimiz bilan, ofi simizga mollarni 
yuklashga tayyorlash to‘g‘risida 
ko‘rsatma beramiz.
While you are having dinner, 
shall be reading the newspaper.
Siz tushlik qilayotganingizda men 
gazetani o‘qiyotgan bo‘laman.
I shall stay at the custom-house 
until the goods have been exa-
Mollarni tekshirib bo‘lishmagun-
cha men bojxonada turaman.
Izoh: Till va untildan keyin ergash gapning fe’li bo‘lishli shaklda keladi:
I shall stay here until (till) you return.
Men siz qaytib kel(ma)guningizgacha shu 
yerda bo‘laman.
Let us wait until the rain stops.
Keling yomg‘ir to‘xtaguncha shu yerda 
Agar gapning ma’nosi bo‘lishsiz bo‘lsa, till va untildan keyin fe’l 
bo‘lishsiz shaklda ishlatilishi mumkin:
He lay until he did not 

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