nerve), and there is buildup of axoplasm on the
retinal side of the disk. The swollen optic axons
obscure the disk margins, beginning at the su-
perior and inferior poles, then extending later-
ally and finally medially.
The size of the optic
disk increases, and this can be mapped as a
larger ‘‘blind spot’’ in the visual field. Some pa-
tients even complain of a visual scotoma in this
area. If ICP is increased sufficiently, the gan-
glion cells begin to fail from the periphery of
the retina in toward the macula. This results in a
concentric loss of vision.
Because papilledema reflects the back-
pressure on the optic nerves from increased
ICP, it is virtually always bilateral. A rare excep-
tion occurs when the optic nerve on one side is
itself compressed by a mass lesion (such as an
olfactory groove meningioma), thus resulting in
optic atrophy in one eye and papilledema in the
other eye (the Foster Kennedy syndrome). On
the other hand, optic nerve injury at the level
of the optic disk, either due to demyelinating
disease or vascular infarct of the vasa nervorum
(anterior ischemic optic neuropathy), can also
block axonal transport and venous return, due
to retrobulbar swelling of the optic nerve.
resulting papillitis can look identical to papille-
dema but is typically unilateral, or at least does
not involve the optic nerves simultaneously. In
addition, papillitis is usually accompanied by
the relatively rapid onset of visual loss, partic-
ularly focal loss called a scotoma, so the clinical
distinction is usually clear.
The origin of headache in patients with in-
creased ICP is not understood. CSF normally
leaves the subarachnoid compartment mainly
by resorption at the arachnoid villi.
structures are located along the surface of the
superior sagittal sinus, and they consist of in-
vaginations of the arachnoid membrane into
the wall of the sinus. CSF is taken up from the
subarachnoid space by endocytosis into vesi-
cles, the vesicles are transported across the
arachnoid epithelial cells, and then their con-
tents are released by exocytosis into the venous
sinus. Imbalance in the process of secretion
and resorption of CSF occurs in cases of CSF-
secreting tumors as well as in pseudotumor
cerebri. In both conditions, very high levels of
CSF pressure, in excess of 600 mm of water,
may be achieved, but rather little in the way of
brain dysfunction occurs, other than headache.
Experimental infusion of artificial CSF into
the subarachnoid space, to pressures as high
as 800 or even 1,000 mm of water, also does
not cause cerebral dysfunction and, curiously,
often does not cause headache.
conditions that cause diffusely increased ICP
such as pseudotumor cerebri usually do cause
suggesting that they must cause
some subtle distortion of pain receptors in the
cerebral blood vessels or the meninges.
On the other hand, when there is obstruction
of the cerebral venous system, increased ICP is
often associated with signs of brain dysfunction
as well as severe headache. The headache is lo-
calized to the venous sinus that is obstructed
(superior sagittal sinus headache is typically at
the vertex of the skull, whereas lateral sinus
headache is usually behind the ear on the af-
fected side). The headache in these conditions
is thought to be due to irritation and local dis-
tortion of the sinus itself. Brain dysfunction
is produced by back-pressure on the draining
veins that feed into the sinus, thus reducing the
perfusion pressure of the adjacent areas of the
brain, to the point of precipitating venous in-
farction (see page 154). Small capillaries may
be damaged, producing local hemorrhage and
focal or generalized seizures. Superior sagittal
sinus thrombosis produces parasagittal ischemia
in the hemispheres, causing lower extremity pa-
resis. Lateral sinus thrombosis typically causes
infarction in the inferior lateral temporal lobe,
which may produce little in the way of signs,
other than seizures.
The most important mechanism by which
diffusely raised ICP can cause symptoms is by
impairment of the cerebral arterial supply. The
brain usually compensates for the increased
ICP by regulating its blood supply as described
in Chapter 2. However, as ICP reaches and ex-
ceeds 600 mm of water, the back-pressure on
cerebral perfusion reaches 45 to 50 mm Hg,
which becomes a major hemodynamic chal-
lenge. Typically, this is seen in severe acute
liver failure,
with vasomotor paralysis follow-
ing head injury, or occasionally in acute en-
cephalitis. When perfusion pressure falls below
the lower limit required for brain function, neu-
rons fail to maintain their ionic gradients due
to energy failure, resulting in additional swell-
ing, which further increases ICP and results in
a downward spiral of reduced perfusion and
further brain infarction.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
Decreased perfusion pressure can also
occur when systemic blood pressure drops, such
as when assuming a standing position. Some
patients with increased ICP develop brief bi-
lateral visual loss when they stand, called vi-
sual obscurations, presumably due to failure
to autoregulate the posterior cerebral blood
flow. Failure of perfusion pressure can also
occur focally (i.e., in a patient with an otherwise
asymptomatic carotid occlusion who develops
symptoms in the ipsilateral carotid distribu-
tion on standing because of the resulting small
drop in blood pressure). If the patient has bi-
lateral chronic carotid occlusions, transient loss
of consciousness may result.
Patients with elevated ICP from mass lesions
often suffer sudden rises in ICP precipitated
by changes in posture, coughing, sneezing, or
straining, or even during tracheal suctioning
(plateau waves).
The sudden rises in ICP can
reduce cerebral perfusion and produce a variety
of neurologic symptoms including confusion,
stupor, and coma
(Table 3–2). In general, the
symptoms last only a few minutes and then re-
solve, leading some observers to confuse these
with seizures.
Finally, the loss of compliance of the intra-
cranial system to further increases in volume
and the rate of change in ICP plays an important
role in the response of the brain to increased
ICP. Compliance is the change in pressure
caused by an increase in volume. In a normal
brain, increases in brain volume (e.g., due to a
small intracerebral hemorrhage) can be com-
pensated by displacement of an equal volume of
CSF from the compartment. However, when a
mass has increased in size to the point where
there is little remaining CSF in the compart-
ment, even a small further increase in volume
can produce a large increase in compartmental
pressure. This loss of compliance in cases where
diffuse brain edema has caused a critical in-
crease in ICP can lead to the development of
plateau waves. These are large, sustained in-
creases in ICP, which may approach the mean
arterial blood pressure, and which occur at in-
tervals as often as every 15 to 30 minutes.
They are thought to be due to episodic arterial
vasodilation, which is due to systemic vasomo-
tor rhythms, but a sudden increase in vascular
volume in a compartment with no compliance,
even if very small, can dramatically increase
These sudden increases in ICP can
thus cause a wide range of neurologic parox-
ysmal symptoms (see Table 3–2). When pres-
sure in neighboring compartments is lower,
this imbalance can cause herniation (see be-
Table 3–2 Paroxysmal Symptoms That May Result From a Sudden
Increase in Intracranial Pressure
Impairment of consciousness
Opisthotonus, trismus
Trancelike state
Rigidity and tonic extension/flexion
of the arms and legs
Confusion, disorientation
Bilateral extensor plantar responses
Restlessness, agitation
Sluggish/absent deep tendon reflexes
Disorganized motor activity, carphologia
Generalized muscular weakness
Sense of suffocation, air hunger
Facial twitching
Cardiovascular/respiratory disturbances
Clonic movements of the arms and legs
Facial/limb paresthesias
Pain in the neck and shoulders
Rise in temperature
Nasal itch
Nausea, vomiting
Blurring of vision, amaurosis
Facial flushing
Mydriasis, pupillary areflexia
Pallor, cyanosis
Oculomotor/abducens paresis
Shivering and ‘‘goose flesh’’
Conjugate deviation of the eyes
External ophthalmoplegia
Dysphagia, dysarthria
Yawning, hiccoughing
Nuchal rigidity
Urinary and fecal urgency/incontinence
Retroflexion of the neck
Adapted from Ingvar.
Structural Causes of Stupor and Coma
Conversely, when a patient shows early signs
of herniation, it is often possible to reverse the
situation by restoring a small margin of com-
pliance to the compartment containing the mass
lesion. Hyperventilation causes a fall in arterial
, resulting in arterial and venous vaso-
constriction. The small reduction in intracranial
blood volume may reverse the herniation syn-
drome dramatically in just a few minutes.
The Role of Vascular Factors and
Cerebral Edema in Mass Lesions
As indicated above, an important mechanism
by which compressive lesions may cause symp-
toms is by inducing local tissue ischemia. Even
in the absence of a diffuse impairment of ce-
rebral blood flow, local increases in pressure
and tissue distortion in the vicinity of a mass le-
sion may stretch small arteries and reduce their
caliber to the point where they are no longer
able to supply sufficient blood to their targets.
Many mass lesions, including tumors, inflam-
matory lesions, and the capsules of subdural
hematomas, are able to induce the growth of new
blood vessels (angiogenesis).
These blood ves-
sels do not have the features that characterize
normal cerebral capillaries (i.e., lack of fenes-
trations and tight junctions between endothelial
cells) that are the basis for the blood-brain bar-
rier. Thus, the vessels leak; the leakage of
Tight junction
Astrocyte foot
Vesicular transport
across endothelial cells
Capillary endothelial cells
Astrocyte foot
Edematous astrocyte
Opened tight
junctions and
escaping plasma
Figure 3–1. A schematic drawing illustrating cytotoxic versus vasogenic edema. (A) Under normal circumstances, the brain
is protected from the circulation by a blood-brain barrier, consisting of tight junctions between cerebral capillary endo-
thelial cells that do not permit small molecules to penetrate the brain, as well as a basal lamina surrounded by astrocytic
end-feet. (B) When the blood-brain barrier is breached (e.g., by neovascularization in a tumor or the membranes of sub-
dural hematoma), fluid transudates from fenestrated blood vessels into the brain. This results in an increase in fluid in the
extracellular compartment, vasogenic edema. Vasogenic edema can usually be reduced by corticosteroids, which decrease
capillary permeability. (C) When neurons are injured, they can no longer maintain ion gradients. The increased intracel-
lular sodium causes a shift of fluid from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment, resulting in cytotoxic edema.
Cytotoxic edema is not affected by corticosteroids. (From Fishman, RA. Brain edema. N Engl J Med 293 (14):706–11,
1975. By permission of Massachusetts Medical Society.)
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
contrast dyes during CT or MRI scanning pro-
vides the basis for contrast enhancement of a
lesion that lacks a blood-brain barrier. The vas-
cular leak results in the extravasation of fluid
into the extracellular space and vasogenic
(see Figure 3–1B). This edema further
displaces surrounding tissues that are pushed
progressively farther from the source of their
own feeding arteries. Because the large arteries
are tethered to the circle of Willis and small
ones are tethered to the pial vascular system,
they may not be able to be displaced as freely as
the brain tissue they supply. Hence, the disten-
sibility of the blood supply becomes the limiting
factor to tissue perfusion and, in many cases,
tissue survival.
Ischemia and consequent energy failure
cause loss of the electrolyte gradient across the
neuronal membranes. Neurons depolarize but
are no longer able to repolarize and so fail. As
neurons take on more sodium, they swell (cyto-
toxic edema), thus further increasing the mass
effect on adjacent sites (see Figure 3–1C). In-
creased intracellular calcium meanwhile results
in the activation of apoptotic programs for neu-
ronal cell death. This vicious cycle of swelling
produces ischemia of adjacent tissue, which in
turn causes further tissue swelling. Cytotoxic
edema may cause a patient with a chronic and
slowly growing mass lesion to decompensate
quite suddenly,
with rapid onset of brain
failure and coma when the lesion reaches a criti-
cal limit.
The Monro-Kellie doctrine hypothesizes that
because the contents of the skull are not com-
pressible and are contained within an unyield-
ing case of bone, the sum of the volume of the
brain, CSF, and intracranial blood is constant
at all times.
A corollary is that these same re-
strictions apply to each compartment (right vs.
left supratentorial space, infratentorial space,
spinal subarachnoid space). In a normal brain,
increases in the size of a growing mass lesion
can be compensated for by the displacement
of an equal volume of CSF from the compart-
ment. The displacement of CSF, and in some
cases blood volume, by the mass lesion raises
ICP. As the mass grows, there is less CSF to be
displaced, and hence the compliance of the in-
tracranial contents decreases as the size of the
compressive lesion increases. When a mass has
increased in size to the point where there is
little remaining CSF in the compartment, even
a small further increase in volume can produce
a large increase in compartmental pressure.
When pressure in neighboring compartments
is lower, this imbalance causes herniation. Thus,
intracranial shifts are of key concern in the di-
agnosis of coma due to supratentorial mass le-
sions (Figure 3–2).
The pathogenesis of signs and symptoms of
an expanding mass lesion that causes coma is
rarely a function of the increase in ICP itself,
but usually results from imbalances of pressure
between different compartments leading to tis-
sue herniation.
To understand herniation syndromes, it is
first necessary to review briefly the structure of
the intracranial compartments between which
herniations occur.
Anatomy of the Intracranial
The cranial sutures of babies close at about 18
months, encasing the intracranial contents in a
nondistensible box of finite volume. The intra-
cranial contents include the brain tissue (approx-
imately 87%, of which 77% is water), CSF (ap-
proximately 9%), blood vessels (approximately
4%), and the meninges (dura, arachnoid, and
pia that occupy a negligible volume). The dural
septa that divide the intracranial space into com-
partments play a key role in the herniation syn-
dromes caused by supratentorial mass lesions.
The falx cerebri (Figures 3–2 and 3–3) sepa-
rates the two cerebral hemispheres by a dense
dural leaf that is tethered to the superior sagittal
sinus along the midline of the cranial vault. The
falx contains the inferior sagittal sinus along its
free edge. The free edge of the falx normally
rests just above the corpus callosum. One result
is that severe head injury can cause a contusion
of the corpus callosum by violent upward dis-
placement of the brain against the free edge of
the falx.
The pericallosal branches of the an-
terior cerebral artery also run in close proximity
to the free edge of the falx. Hence, displace-
ment of the cingulate gyrus under the falx by a
hemispheric mass may compress the pericallo-
sal artery and result in ischemia or infarction of
Structural Causes of Stupor and Coma
the cingulate gyrus (see falcine herniation, page
The tentorium cerebelli (Figure 3–3) sepa-
rates the cerebral hemispheres (supratentorial
compartment) from the brainstem and cere-
bellum (infratentorial compartment/posterior
fossa). The tentorium is less flexible than the
falx, because its fibrous dural lamina is stret-
ched across the surface of the middle fossa and
is tethered in position for about three-quarters
of its extent (see Figure 3–3). It attaches an-
teriorly at the petrous ridges and posterior
clinoid processes and laterally to the occipital
bone along the lateral sinus. Extending poster-
iorly into the center of the tentorium from the
posterior clinoid processes is a large semioval
opening, the incisura or tentorial notch, whose
diameter is usually between 25 and 40 mm me-
diolaterally and 50 to 70 mm rostrocaudally.
The tentorium cerebelli also plays a key role in
the pathophysiology of supratentorial mass le-
sions, as when the tissue volume of the supra-
tentorial compartments exceeds that compart-
ment’s capacity, there is no alternative but for
tissue to herniate through the tentorial opening
(see uncal herniation, page 100).
Tissue shifts in any direction can damage
structures occupying the tentorial opening. The
midbrain, with its exiting oculomotor nerves,
traverses the opening from the posterior fossa to
attach to the diencephalon. The superior por-
tion of the cerebellar vermis is typically applied
closely to the surface of the midbrain and occu-
pies the posterior portion of the tentorial open-
ing. The quadrigeminal cistern, above the tectal
plate of the midbrain, and the peduncular and
interpeduncular cisterns along the base of the
midbrain provide flexibility; there may be con-
siderable tissue shift before symptoms are pro-
duced if a mass lesion expands slowly (Figure
The basilar artery lies along the ventral sur-
face of the midbrain. As it nears the tentorial
opening, it gives off superior cerebellar arteries
bilaterally, then branches into the posterior ce-
rebral arteries (Figure 3–4). The posterior cere-
bral arteries give off a range of thalamoperforat-
ing branches that supply the posterior thalamus
and pretectal area, followed by the posterior
communicating arteries.
Each posterior cere-
bral artery then wraps around the lateral surface
of the upper midbrain and reaches the ventral
surface of the hippocampal gyrus, where it gives
off a posterior choroidal artery.
The posterior
choroidal artery anastomoses with the anterior
choroidal artery, a branch of the internal carotid
artery that runs between the dentate gyrus and
the free lateral edge of the tentorium. The
Figure 3–2. A schematic drawing to illustrate the different herniation syndromes seen with intracranial mass effect. When
the increased mass is symmetric in the two hemispheres (A), there may be central herniation, as well as herniation of either
or both medial temporal lobes, through the tentorial opening. Asymmetric compression (B), from a unilateral mass lesion,
may cause herniation of the ipsilateral cingulate gyrus under the falx (falcine herniation). This type of compression may
cause distortion of the diencephalon by either downward herniation or midline shift. The depression of consciousness is
more closely related to the degree and rate of shift, rather than the direction. Finally, the medial temporal lobe (uncus) may
herniate early in the clinical course.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
posterior cerebral artery then runs caudally
along the medial surface of the occipital lobe to
supply the visual cortex. Either one or both
posterior cerebral arteries are vulnerable to
compression when tissue herniates through the
tentorium. Unilateral compression causes a
homonymous hemianopsia; bilateral compres-
sion causes cortical blindness (see Patient 3–1).
The oculomotor nerves leave the ventral sur-
face of the midbrain between the superior
cerebellar arteries and the diverging posterior
cerebral arteries (Figure 3–3). The oculomotor Dostları ilə paylaş: |