on Power Blackout Risks
nuclear catastropHe following an eartHquake and tsunami triggered
station blackout, Japan 2011
The complete power supply cut off of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima Dai-Ichi, Japan in March 2011
led to severe damages in the reactor units 1, 2 and 3 and resulted in significant emissions of radiation into the
atmosphere. The tsunami which flooded the emergency diesel generators caused the on-site power blackout
so that the operator was unable to keep the cooling systems running. This power outage
is a so called station
blackout (SBO). The impact was tremendous:
Fukushima is rated as serious as the Chernobyl catastrophe – magnitude 7 event, the worst on the
international nuclear event scale though Fukushima released only 5 to 10% of the radiation released
by Chernobyl.
Mandatory evacuation zone for all residents within 20 km.
Voluntary evacuation of all residents between 20 and 30 km.
Agricultural products including milk and vegetables from the region got contaminated.
Decades will be required for cleanup and containment.
Estimates on reinsurers’ share of losses from the Japan disaster could be between USD 20 bn and USD 30 bn
out of the disaster’s total gross loss estimated at USD 40 bn to USD 65 bn. These estimated losses would
exceed the 20 bn to USD 25 bn in losses ceded to reinsurers from the 9/11
terrorist attacks, and the USD 18 bn
to USD 24 bn incurred by reinsurers from Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
As a consequence of the earthquake and tsunami three other nuclear plants, six coal-fired plants and 11
power plants were shut down. This is 11 percent of Japan’s total power. As a consequence factories had to
at reduced levels, which will have a significant impact on Japans’ economy. JPMorgan Securities Japan
estimates that the country’s gross domestic product will shrink in the second quarter by about 3% on an
annualised basis, with about half of that decline resulting from the power shortage.
picture alliance/dpa